chapter 14: coffee

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Y/N and her vice president, Camila, sat across from each other at a small round table in the school's club room.

They were discussing the various activities that the school's clubs were planning for the end of the year.

Y/N, the student council president, had been leading the meeting with her usual confidence and charisma.

As they went over the logistics of coordinating the various events, Camila was impressed with the power that she commanded and how she was always able to keep a leveled head.

It was just a small meeting between the two of them to get a headstart. They would brief the others some other day.

"Okay, so if we have pep rally earlier then we can have enough time to meet the rest of the class for prom discussions and planning," Y/N said, bringing Camila back to the task at hand.

"Mhmm. Mhm. Yeah. You're brilliant, Miss President," Camila said with a smile.

Y/N replied with a brief smile as they made eye contact.

"Thank you, Camila. Now, on to our last topic that we need to go over," Y/N continued, flipping through her notebook. She searched through the pile of papers that were all over the desk.

"You've always been brilliant," Camila said, leaning in a little closer to Y/N.
"And so...beautiful."

Y/N looked up, confused.

"I'm sorry?" She asked through her glasses, thinking she heard that wrong.

Camila's smile widened as she leaned in even closer.

Y/N was completely baffled, leaning back to only sink further into her chair in hopes of creating distance between the two.

"Camila, what do you think you're doing?" Y/N gasped, attempting to take control of the situation but she was too baffled to steady her voice.

"You've been working so hard for prom and graduation," Camila said, her voice low and sultry.

"I just thought you needed a little break..."

Y/N's eyes widened in realization as Camila's intentions became clear.

"Camila, please stop. We're at school."

Camila leaned back in her chair, looking slightly dejected.

"I'm sorry, I just–"

But before she could finish her sentence, Y/N's cell phone rang loudly. Y/N quickly grabbed it from the table, flipping it over to check on it, hoping for a distraction from the awkwardness of the moment.

"I'm going to take this," Y/N said, standing up from the table.

"You can go home, Camila. We'll reconvene a different time."

Camila nodded, gathering her things. She felt her heartbeat increase and heat emerged from her cheeks.

"Oh, and Camila?"


Camila looked back up to meet Y/N's eyes but she was still on her phone. A tiny grin could be seen on her face as she typed.

Camila became annoyed at what could possibly be making her smile at this very second.

Sighing, Y/N looked back at Camila.

"Our relationship is strictly professional," she said firmly, shooting her a pointed stare.
"Please stop fucking around."

Camila was shocked at Y/N's tone and serious expression. She shrunk where she stood, her arms gripping the books to her chest.

Backstabbed (Amber Freeman x Fem Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ