chapter 12: radio silence

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It had been a month since the last Ghostface incident. Ever since then, everything had been radio silent. No suspicious activity or sightings whatsoever. The school had given everyone a break for a month, as ordered by the police, hoping that the killer would be caught, but no such luck. As the students returned to school, the fear of Ghostface still hung heavy in the air.

The good news was that Tara was also able to be discharged from the hospital after going back since her last attack. They had put her in a boot and her hand was in a much stronger cast and would heal faster than her ankle.

Sam was very hesitant on letting Tara go back but the others reassured that they would stick together throughout the day, except for when they had different classes. They weren't able to change their schedules even when Y/N approached the principal with their request.

The principal claimed that they would be receiving special treatment if they allowed them to change their schedules so that they had all classes together and if they allowed that then they had to give that to the rest of the student population. Y/N was furious, though mentioned that she would take it up to the board. She was still working on it.

When they sat at their usual picnic tables under the tree, it felt different. The energy was completely different and they could all feel it but no one wanted to bring it up. The absence of Wes saying something geeky and his witty remarks with Amber were deeply missed. The emptiness was magnifying as they all sat in silence for a few minutes. They hadn't officially grasped how things were going to be when they came back to school.

The group did somewhat feel relieved to be back after the traumatic events that occurred a month ago. When they finally entered the school on a glum Monday morning, they were greeted by an unfamiliar quietness. The weird atmosphere was engulfing them. So many eyes looked their way, people staring and whispering as they walked further into the hall.

Something was definitely off. They could hear whispers and murmurs, and the air felt heavy with an unspoken sense of apprehension. They tried to ignore the rising tension as they passed people.

Chad furrowed his brow, trying to figure out what was going on.
"What's up with everyone today?" he asked the group, looking around.

Mindy shook her head.
"I don't know, but I don't like it," she said, her voice low.

Liv nodded in agreement.
"It feels like everyone's holding their breath or something," she added, looking around nervously.

Y/N took a deep breath, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling.
"It's probably nothing. Let's just get to our lockers and start the day," she said, trying to sound optimistic.

Tara nodded, but she couldn't shake the uneasy feeling.
"Yeah, let's go," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

As they walked down the hallway, they noticed that more and more students were staring at them. The look in their eyes was unreadable, and it made their own anxiety skyrocket.

The group started to walk faster, trying to ignore the whispers and stares. However, before they could make it, they saw a person in a Ghostface costume at the end of the hallway, holding a knife.

Their hearts stopped as they realized that someone was taunting them, and the fear from the previous month flooded back into their minds. Their palms started to perspire, the sound of their hearts sped up in unison that they would have created a beat together.

The figure was messing with a few group of students, pretending to stab at them and laughing like a maniac. Some people found it funny while others screamed in surprise and ran away to avoid the person.

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