chapter 24: backyard talk

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Y/N woke up in the middle of the night, not from a nightmare. This time, it was natural. She was somehow thirsty and craving a midnight snack. She laid there for a second, admiring Amber.

The way her jet black hair fell in perfect waves. Her long lashes framed her eyes, casting shadows across her cheekbones and giving her an ethereal quality. Her beauty was enough to leave Y/N in a daze.

Untangling herself from the raven haired girl, she stumbled out of bed, groggy and disoriented. She made her way to the kitchen, her eyes still half-closed, and grabbed a glass from the cabinet. As she filled it with water, she heard a noise from the living room.

Her heart pounding, Y/N slowly made her way to the source of the sound. She peeked around the corner, she thought she saw a figure standing in front of the window. Blinking several times but seeing nothing there, she turned back around to go back into the kitchen.

Before she could react, the figure grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth with their hand.

Y/N struggled against her attacker, trying to scream, but it was no use. The figure was too strong, and she could barely breathe with their hand over her mouth. Suddenly, the attacker spoke.

"It's just me, Y/N," Richie whispered in her ear, his voice barely audible over her pounding heart.

Y/N froze, recognizing the voice.

"Let's go outside, yeah? I just wanna talk to you."

She tried to scream through her covered mouth, hoping the sound would alert Amber.

"God you're so loud," Richie growled, dragging her away to the back of the house.

Y/N refused to walk, letting her body loose like a ragdoll to make it harder for Richie to carry her. She should've known better by now to carry a weapon when checking out a random noise, but now she was in this predicament.

He tried to reason with her, still saying in a hushed voice.

"Listen, I'm not gonna hurt you. Please. I want to talk."

"Did you just lick me?..Nevermind."

Y/N rolled her eyes, she was out of ideas.

The two finally made it to the back of the house. It was dimly lit with a few small lights that were strategically placed around the property, casting a warm glow on the lush greenery and beautiful landscaping.

The lights weren't bright enough to fully illuminate the area, but they did provide enough visibility to navigate around without tripping or stumbling.

Richie, however, tripped from losing his footing while trying to walk backwards, sending him and Y/N to the cold concrete.

Y/N took the chance to scream at the top of her longs, even though she knew that her voice was too far away for anyone on the second floor to hear.

"AMBER! Amb-Ahh!"

Richie panicked and charged at the girl, tackling her to the floor. He was going to have his world turned upside down when Amber found out.

He had her arms pinned down. Y/N thrashed all around and yelling until her throat hurt.

He slammed his hands over her mouth, forcefully pressing down. Tears swelled up in her eyes, falling down to the floor. It wasn't looking too good for either of them.

"I'm gonna move my hand away, and we are going to have a normal conversation like two adults, yeah?"

Nodding, Y/N stopped struggling and Richie slowly released her. She sat up and crawled away from him, her eyes wide with fear and anger.

Backstabbed (Amber Freeman x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now