chapter 11: flowers wither

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It was a late Sunday night. The streets of Woodsboro were quiet for a brief moment. The sporadic killings that flooded their town recently have been so random that even the professional at solving these murders wasn't able to pinpoint anything. She felt hopeless.

Gale sat in her house. It seemed emptier now for some reason, a melancholy chilliness sweeping the entire house. She swished the wine in the giant glass she had in her hands, staring at the blank document that was open. The blinking cursor felt mocking to her. The immense writer's block she had was real.

She was trying to start her next book about the Woodsboro killings. She made the first book back in 1996. This would be the fifth book, if only she could begin.

Out of anger, she put down her wine glass and leaned over to type some nonsense just for the sake of typing. Her mind went blank again. Sighing in defeat, she minimized the window entirely.

Her heart dropped at the sight of her background; it was of her and her ex-husband, Dewey, just another date they had in the park. Little did she know that was Dewey's contact photo for her, the last thing he saw before he was brutally gutted.

Slamming her laptop shut, Gale planted her palms in her face and sobbed uncontrollably. It's been a few days since the incident. Gale wanted to take the first flight out back to New York but she knew that if she did then it would be real, that Dewey was really gone.

Her quiet sobs echoed through the house, filling up every room with Gale's pain. The sound of her phone ringing caused her to pause. She could also catch her breath. She realized she had never cried that hard in a while.

She picked it up, expecting to hear the voice of one of her sources for an article.

When she spoke, she fought back tears and a trembling voice. "Hello?"

"Hello, Gale," the voice said.
"Do you know who this is?"

Gale's heart started racing as she realized who was on the other end of the line. The chilling voice sent shivers down her spine.

"Oh fuck no."

"I'm ecstatic that you remember me. It's been so long."

She could feel them smile idiotically through the phone. It made Gale sick.

"Fuck you asshole, you killed my best friend," she yelled, her tears mingling with both grief and rage as they fell.

"Oh, and it was exhilarating. The way the light left his eyes as my knife went through him."

Gale froze for a moment before coming back to herself. Her awareness grew sharper all at once. That meant that Ghostface was near for them to be calling her.

"You piece of sh-"

"You know if you hadn't called him. He would probably still be alive. It's all your fault, Gale."

That hit a nerve. New tears started to form, the pain of losing her best friend overwhelming her again. She was stuck choking on her tears.

Gale's thoughts were racing as she struggled to focus. She was well aware of how crafty and cruel Ghostface was, and that they would take even the smallest window they saw to kill her. She knew she couldn't idly wait for them to show up, though.

"You don't know shit."

Once her mind was clear, she got up from the couch and went into her room. She opened the closet to reveal a little safe. After entering the password, it clicked open to reveal a collection of firearms. With all the close calls she's had with Ghostface, she wouldn't retain just one.

She thought about hiding but that would be too obvious of a first move. Ghostface would think of finding her and treat it like a game. She wouldn't hide this time. She's lost so many people in her life. This wasn't going to be Gale's last day. Gale was going to fight.

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