chapter 20: shot roulette

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Y/N knew that she needed some rest if they were going to have any chance of seeing their plan through to the end.

The pair made their way to Y/N's room. Amber pulled the curtains closed, blocking out the bright afternoon sun.

"Hey, don't worry about the party," Amber said, walking over to sit at the edge of the bed.
"I'll wake you up in time for us to get ready together."

Y/N nodded gratefully, smiling at her with tired eyes. Lying down on her bed, Y/N closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the tension in her body slowly dissipate.

She could feel the weight of exhaustion pressing down on her, and for a moment, she allowed herself to simply drift. Amber joined her shortly after, cradling her in her arms. She kissed the top of her head.

The next thing she knew, Amber was gently shaking her awake.

"Hey, sleepyhead. It's time to get ready for the party."

Y/N groggily got out of bed, feeling much better after the much-needed rest. After trying on several different outfits, Y/N settled on a black dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, making sure to add a few extra accessories to stand out.

Amber, meanwhile, had opted for a white blouse and black pants, with a pair of her favorite black boots to finish the look.

They looked stunning, as always, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a little bit overwhelmed by her girlfriend's beauty.

Amber came in and complimented Y/N on how good she looked, a blush creeping on Y/N's cheeks. After a quick make out session, they both headed out the door, hand in hand.

Y/N felt a surge of energy as she thought about the night ahead. This was a much-needed break to take her mind off of things. They were looking forward to letting loose and having some fun.

Y/N grabbed her purse and took one last look in the sunvisor mirror, adjusting her hair and makeup.

"You look amazing," Amber said, reaching out to give Y/N's hand a squeeze.

"You too," Y/N replied, smiling. "Let's go have some fun."

As Y/N and Amber made their way into the party, they immediately felt the energy of the room. The music was blasting, and people were already dancing and drinking.

Despite Liv's claims that the party was a small welcoming for Anika, several hundred people showed up there.

Y/N looked around the room, searching for familiar faces. They only saw a few other acquaintances, but no one they really knew well. They couldn't see anyone from their friend group.

But then their eyes landed on Anika as she entered the room. Y/N's face lit up with excitement, letting go of Amber's hand.

She followed Y/N's gaze and saw Anika, who waved at them with a big smile. As if on cue, Anika and Y/N sprinted at each other, extending their arms out for a big hug.



They pulled apart to examine each other. Anika looked stunning, wearing a black dress and heels that accentuated her long legs. Her hair was styled in loose waves, and she had a bold red lip that popped against her skin.

"You look gorgeous. I love this fit," Anika said over the music, looking Y/N up and down.

"You're staring," Y/N laughed, seeing Anika's eyes on her chest.

"What? No, I totally wasn't," Anika denied, giving Y/N a feigned perplexed look.

Anika's blatant denial was met with laughter from Y/N. It wasn't false that Y/N's dress not only showed off her curves but also a bit of her chest.

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