chapter 10: who's watching tara?

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The police arrived at the scene. It was around 1 in the morning when people had to be escorted out. A good majority of people had already left but there were still a few that didn't want to return home. Some girl and her boyfriend found Wes's body when they went in there and that's when police were called in. Nobody had realized what was happening while they partied. Afterall, they were all flooded with alcohol and weed, too intoxicated to care for anyone, even for themselves.

The crime scene was a gruesome sight. Police officers arrived to find the pool turned into a small bloodbath. Surprisingly it took anyone that long to realize Wes was gone. He was laying at the bottom of the pool, eyes shut, mouth slightly agape. He almost looked peaceful when they found him.

It took awhile for them to find Chad. The walls were stained with splatters of blood, and some items in the shed were overturned or broken, shattered glass and debris strewn across the floor.In the center of the room lay Chad. He was bleeding out badly in the shed, softly pleading, hoping someone would find him soon.

Outside, Amber, Y/N, Liv, and Mindy waited nervously. They had sobered up very fast from the shock of the incident.

Mindy paced back and forth while Liv hugged herself, trying to calm down. Amber held Y/N who hugged Amber's jacket that she had put on her shoulders. They turned their heads to see someone pushing a stretcher with a body bag on it. Mindy's hand flew to her face, her knees buckling.

When Mindy spotted her brother, very disoriented, on the next stretcher, she cried out in relief. Both she and Liv ran to his side, sobbing with contentment.

"I'm so happy you're okay, babe. I'm so sorry," Liv said through tears, her mascara completely ruined, hair flying in places.

"You're such a fucking, idiot. What was it you said? 'Oh I'm a 6'2" jock. I don't need protection," Mindy joked, blinking away her own tears.

Chad could only blink slowly at them, lifting up his good arm to give them a thumbs up. The two moved away so that the paramedics could wheel him into the ambulance. They would join soon after. The four glanced at the black body bag that contained Wes's cold body.

They lost a friend to Ghostface tonight but at least the other one survived. They knew it wouldn't be the last of their many attacks. Mindy and Liv climbed right in, Amber and Y/N were about to when they were stopped by a paramedic.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. You won't be able all fit in," he stopped the pair.

Mindy was about to call out the paramedic but Y/N cut her off.
"It's fine. We'll meet you guys there."

Weak smiles were shared between the two. Amber and Y/N watched as the ambulance doors were locked and the vehicle sped away.

"You okay?" Amber asked, regretting the question once it left her mouth. She knew it was dumb to ask that right now with all that happened in the span of a few hours.

She turned to her and hummed in response, giving her another weak smile. She felt so tired, her eyes getting heavier as she leaned into Amber's side.

She was about to shut her eyes when she got a glimpse of a police officer. She immediately recognized him and jolted up, leaving Amber to run at him.

"Hey, weren't you assigned to watch Tara?"

He was at a loss, not knowing how to answer because he just remembered.

"Uhhh.." He couldn't even give a response when she yelled again.

"Why the fuck are you here?"

"All the units are scattered right now.."

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