chapter 9: skinny dipping

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Chad and Liv were on the couch, making out, engrossed with one another. She was practically grinding on him. In between kisses, Liv told Chad that she was finally ready to take their relationship to the next level, to which he responded hesitantly, saying that he wasn't entirely so sure that she wasn't the killer.

He had his reasons; it was hard to trust anybody right now and the Stab movie rules were set in motion. Liv also had her reason to be offended, maybe even taking it to heart a bit. She flipped Chad off and stormed off into the crowd, bumping into Mindy and almost knocking down her can of beer.

Mindy looked at her brother, giving a sarcastic, "Nice going, moron."

Chad accepted his defeat, nodding to himself before showing Mindy his middle finger. Plopping down next to him, she patted her brother's leg in a comforting way.

Sighing, Chad pushed himself up, leaning on his elbows, hands on his head. Amber came up from behind Mindy and dropped the two beer cases on the table, catching Chad by surprise.

He took his hands from his face and sighed again, snatching the case and tearing it open. He downed the can in a second, burping right after.

Mindy somehow managed to lose the girl from earlier. She would find another one eventually. But she was getting annoyed about her short-lived luck.

Taking a sip from her drink, Mindy suggested, "Let's play a game."

Chad looked at her, curious. "Like?"

His sister knew how much he liked a good drinking game. It was an excuse to get even more drunk.

Mindy hummed, "Truth or dare but if you don't want to answer a truth, you take a sip. If you don't wanna do the dare, take three sips."

The only time Y/N and Chad shared a common interest was during parties. Chad cared about drinking games and Y/N cared about drinking. By the end of the night, she would always be the drunkest out of the group and Chad would be bruised somewhere.

The paired shared enthusiastic yells and sat down on the floor. A few people noticed the gathering and joined the circle.

Wes quietly hopped down next to Chad with Mindy to his right. Y/N was across from Chad. Amber plopped next to her, putting a loose arm to Y/N's side.

Mindy acted as the moderator. Drink in hand, she scanned the room for her first victim. She pointed at some dude that was in her chemistry class. He had a cowboy hat and a white vest, no shirt in sight. What was it with dudes wanting to be shirtless at parties?

"Truth or dare?" Mindy asked him.

He confidently declared, "Dare, dude."

"Okay, I dare you to.."
Her voice wandering as she thought for a second.
"Lick salt off of Chad."

The guy pulled a face of disgust, disliking the idea.
"Ughhh, gross man. That's gay."

Everyone in the circle stared at him like he was an alien. He knew he shouldn't have said that but it slipped so fast and the amount of alcohol in his body made it worse.

"Don't fucking say that, dickhead. That's homophobic," Mindy yelled, crushing the can of beer in her hand, some of the liquid splashing out.

She then switched her demeanor, cockily saying from across the room, "Either do the dare or drink like the little bitch you are."

He finally gave in. "Fine, let's get it over with."

"Yeah, bro. Let's goooo," Chad exclaimed. He was clearly down for anything.

They both stood up together, Chad taking off his jacket and then his shirt. Serious, what was it with no shirts?

Mindy watched in amusement as her brother groggily shoved things off the counter. Chad plopped down on the counter, waiting.

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