chapter 8: interruptions

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It was another glorious Friday night. On nights like this, a lot of different things, some good and some bad, could happen. Most of the time, it was the latter.

Chad and Mindy erroneously decided it was the best time to have a party. They usually hosted when their mom would go away to the city to take care of their grandma and help out their aunt too.

At parties, Chad was a regular fixture in competitions to determine who could down a shotgun the quickest or do other crazy things, like doing a handstand on a keg and drinking it upside down.

Mindy wasn't much of a partier but she was a good hostess. When she saw that the party was going well, she would sit down on the couch and watch the Stab films again.

The sight of their uncle Randy (or whoever played him) in a scary movie was a source of solace for her, which some thought was odd that a movie about their uncle being stabbed brought her comfort but it was Mindy.

She would find a cute girl to make out with if she was lucky, which was most of the time.

The house party was in full swing, and the energy was through the roof. The music was so loud that the floor was vibrating, and the strobe lights were flashing so fast that it was almost impossible to keep up.

People were dancing on tables, chairs, and even on the kitchen island, while others were playing drinking games in the living room. The smell of alcohol and smoke filled the air, and the sound of laughter and shouting could be heard from every corner of the house.

In the backyard, a group of partygoers had set up a makeshift slip-n-slide, and people were sliding down it with reckless abandon, landing in a kiddie pool filled with beer. Others were taking turns on a trampoline, jumping as high as they could and doing backflips.

A couple had started making out on the staircase, while another group had decided to have an impromptu dance-off in the middle of the living room. Someone had even brought a piñata, and people were taking turns trying to smash it open with a baseball bat.

The kitchen was a mess, with food and drinks spilled all over the counters and floor. But no one seemed to care, as they were too busy having fun and letting loose. Exactly what a would-be killer on the prowl would jump in excitement for. It was like Christmas for them.

The way those parties went, their friends wondered how they were able to clean up so quickly in the morning.

But did any of them think about that when they were at this party? Absolutely not.

Tara was still in the hospital. She would be discharged in a few more days. The group wished she was with them but they knew with the severity of her injuries, it was best for her to stay there.

It was shocking that Ghostface had missed quite a few organs. Her left hand took the brunt of the damage.

Y/N and Amber had just stopped over to see her in the last few minutes before heading out to the party. Tara had a hard time taking her eyes off Y/N and her clothing, which consisted of a brown cami shirt that slightly showed up her midriff but a lot more of her cleavage, olive green cargo pants, and white fila shoes.

In short, an outfit that Amber did not approve of at all but she still let her wear anyway. It proved to be right as Tara was unable to focus on anything else.

Amber was aware of her lingering looks, but Y/N didn't even seem to notice them. She couldn't believe how clueless her girlfriend was; she had always told her that she was more book smart than street smart.

The couple walked into the house, greeted by sweaty hormonal teenagers dry humping each other. From the foot of the stairs to the several couches in the living room, they were everywhere.

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