Chapter 4

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Zerk: Hey

Minty: Hi, how was school? Real answer first time, please

Zerk: It actually wasn't too bad today. People left me alone

Minty: I'm really glad you had a good day. You deserved it after the shit you've been putting up with
Minty: That reminds me, did your friends notice your face?

Zerk: They didn't, thankfully

Minty: I do wish you felt like you could tell them, but I'm glad it went the way you wanted it to, and you're happy with that

Zerk: I appreciate that. Thank you

Minty: So what are you up to?

Zerk: Just getting ready for an appointment, you?

Minty: Doctors? Is it because of what happened the other day??

Zerk: No, nothing like that

Minty: Do you mind if I ask what you're going for?

Zerk: Therapy

Minty: I'm glad you've got support. Do you talk about school there?

Zerk: Yeah, I do

Minty: Okay, that's good. I'm glad you can talk to someone about it properly
Minty: How was it that you got into therapy? Tbh, I've thought about it myself, but I don't know where to start

Zerk: My parents are the ones who got me into it, I've been doing it since I was about 9
Zerk: They did it through the hospital, but you can go to the GP for a referral

Minty: Why did your parents make you start going?

Zerk: That one's a conversation for another time
Zerk: Right, I have to head out now, but I'll message you after :)

I Didn't Know It Was You (Minizerk)Where stories live. Discover now