Chapter 15

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Minty: Assembly
Minty: We're about to be in the same room as each other 👀

Zerk: Okay, I know I don't want you to know who I am, but can I get a hint? What row are you on?

Minty: The back row :)

Zerk: You're on the football team??

Minty: I'm not an asshole I promise

Zerk: I'm nervous now
Zerk: You swear you don't know who I am?

Minty: Hey, you could screenshot any of our messages. I've shared a lot with you. I've been vulnerable with you. If I was an asshole I never would've done that, not when you could just as easily expose me

Zerk: I'm sorry :(

Minty: Wait, was it the football team that jumped you???

Zerk: Not all of them

Minty: Which ones?

Zerk: I'm not telling you

Minty: Which. ONES.

Zerk: Please don't do anything

Minty: Okay, I won't. But you're free to change your mind

Zerk: Shush 🤍
Zerk: I actually really wanna know which one you are now

Minty: If you're gonna be my mystery, I'm gonna be yours

Zerk: Ughhh, not fair. Though I've narrowed you down to three people right now

Minty: Which ones?

Zerk: Harry, Simon, Callum

Minty: Do you know our last names?

Zerk: No
Zerk: Wait, is that where your username comes from??

Minty: Might be
Minty: But don't try and find out
Minty: I'm a mystery, remember?

Zerk: What are your guesses for me?

Minty: Either Lewis, Josh, Will, or James

Zerk: Knowing my last name won't help you :)

Minty: You're infuriating 🤍

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