Chapter 17

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Simon's POV:

I was sure I knew who he was. There were four brunettes in our year who weren't straight. Only two were gay. The other two were bisexual. Only one of those two turned around in assembly to look at the back row while we were texting.

I know he was worried that I'd judge him or wouldn't like him, but actually, knowing who he was just made me like him more.

Josh Bradley.

Though he hadn't messaged me for a few days and hadn't been in for a few days either. I was starting to get worried about him.

What if somebody had done something to him? What if he had done something to himself?

I knew he had his medication for his bipolar adjusted, and he was feeling better. But I just couldn't shake this feeling that something was seriously wrong with him.

He was all I could think about right now. I thought about him a lot anyway, but especially right now.

I was starting to wonder if I had developed feelings for him. I was kind of in denial about it because I didn't even know his first name, but now I'd figured it out. Those feelings just transferred straight to the boy I knew in my year. It became so much more real.

I wouldn't tell him yet that I'd figured it out, I didn't want him freaking out. Plus, he already knew I was one of three people who hadn't scared him off. So I knew at least he didn't mind who I was.

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