Chapter 11

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Zerk: I'm really sorry to dump all this on you
Zerk: I need help
Zerk: I feel terrible, and it's only getting worse

Minty: Talk to me. What do you mean by feeling terrible?

Zerk: I feel constantly on edge, and any time I think about anything remotely negative, I start sweating, and my heart rate goes up
Zerk: I keep having nightmares about really horrible stuff
Zerk: It's scaring me

Minty: Okay, it sounds like your meds are making you feel worse before you feel better. That's quite common, especially considering you're also withdrawing from citalopram

Zerk: I can't take this
Zerk: How long am I going to feel like this?

Minty: Withdrawal shouldn't last longer than two weeks, same for your sie effects

Zerk: It's only been three days so far
Zerk: I'm telling you, I really can't take this

Minty: Hey, it's going to be okay, I'm not going anywhere. You can talk to me when you feel like this, you know I don't mind. Why don't you mention the side effects to your therapist? Let me and her get you through these next weeks so you can start feeling better 🤍

Zerk: No, it doesn't matter. Nothing is working
Zerk: I don't think I'll be alive by the end of those two weeks

Minty: If it's that bad, please talk to your therapist right away for me? You might need to try a different medication. I care about you way too much to lose you

Zerk: I don't know why you do

Minty: Because you're fucking wonderful, you're how I start and end my day, and you've become my best friend. You're the only person I tell my secrets to
Minty: I refuse to lose you 🤍

Zerk: I'll ask for my medication review to be moved up
Zerk: I'm sorry I scared you

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