Chapter 7

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Minty: Hey


Minty: Are you okay?


Minty: Okay, I'm getting really worried now


Minty: Hey, we haven't spoken for a few days now, I feel bad messaging so much, but I'm scared, are you alright? 🤍

Zerk: I'm sorry we didn't talk 🤍

Minty: Don't worry about that, are you okay??

Zerk: I got jumped again
Zerk: They know that assembly was because of what they did to me

Minty: Fuck I'm so sorry
Minty: Please let me handle this, please

Zerk: I can't, I'm scared

Minty: I swear they'll never lay another finger on you if I get my hands on them

Zerk: Please don't
Zerk: This is what they did because they thought someone knew, what would they do if someone confronted them?

Minty: Absolutely nothing because I'd put the fear of God into them

Zerk: I'm sorry, but no
Zerk: I can't take that chance

Minty: Have you spoken to your therapist about this?

Zerk: Absolutely not, I don't want her getting the police involved. She said she would have to if the school didn't take care of it

Minty: I wish I could give you a hug
Minty: I hate the idea of you feeling alone in this, like you can't tell anyone

Zerk: Trust me, I wish I could have one
Zerk: I trust you more than anyone I know already, and it's only been a few weeks

I Didn't Know It Was You (Minizerk)Where stories live. Discover now