Chapter 10

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Minty: Hey, it's been a few days since we spoke about it. How are the new meds?

Zerk: I'd rather not talk about them if I'm honest

Minty: That's okay. If you do want to, just let me know

Zerk: Thank you 🤍

Minty: I've got my referral sorted now. I'm just waiting to have an assessment. It's in two weeks' time

Zerk: That's great! I'm so happy for you
Zerk: Do you mind if I ask why it is you wanted to get referred?

Minty: I'm just struggling with how I feel about myself, mainly because of my sexuality

Zerk: That's not because of what I said, is it? About being careful at school? I didn't want to make you feel like you had something to be ashamed of

Minty: No, it's not your fault at all! This is something I've struggled with for a few years now

Zerk: Wait, you've known for years, and I'm still the first person you've told?

Minty: Yeah, that's because of the shame I've felt

Zerk: What makes you feel so ashamed?

Minty: Hearing how people talk about the gay people in our school, it's pretty hard not to feel crap about yourself when you know they're not talking about you but might as well be
Minty: It feels like they're saying all of it right to you

Zerk: I'm sorry, but remember we've only got one year left, then we never have to come back to this school 🤍

Minty: You need to remember that as well 🤍

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