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Ava's POV

7 Months later...

"Breaking news, sad news of this morning, Georgio Millers, the patriarch of Miller Co, has died. This news has come from the family lawyer, he has released the following statement "It is with great sadness that Georgio Miller has passed away peacefully this morning surrounded by his loving wife, children and grandchildren. The family would like to take some time to mourn the death, so please allow them to grieve." Following information will be avai." Adia turned off the television in the room.

"Mum, please sit down, we need to sort this." Alyssa said, as she led Adia to a nearby sofa. It was a dark day for everyone, Adia lost the love of her life and Alyssa and Col have lost their father who they adored dearly, and Sophia has lost her best friend.

"Hey, Ava, come on, you need to sit down too, you're so close to giving birth" Adia said, as she tried to get me to rest alongside her.

"I'm sorry Adia, I am so sorry, I have failed. I should have brought my baby into this world to meet their grandfather and yet I failed. I am so sorry" I broke down into tears, on my knees within the office, suddenly Colton walked into the room with Sophia trailing behind him.

"Ava, what's wrong, what's happened, is the baby coming?" Colton questioned, quickly rushing to my side, he noticed my tears and wrapped his arms around me.

"Ava, please my dear, you have not failed me, you have not failed your baby! Georgio will always be with us, yes he is gone and he cannot hold his grandbaby, but he got to see them, he got to hear their heartbeat and he will always be watching over us." Adia said, sitting on the ground next to me wrapping her arms around me. Causing me to sob even more.

"Babe, you've not failed anyone, come here." Colton said, as he carefully picked me off of the floor, placing me into his lap whilst Liam distracts Sophia for us.

"Okay Mum, did Dad have anything planned for this? Whatever he wanted, he will get" Colton said, placing his hands on my enormous stomach causing our baby to kick its Dad.

1 Week later...

"We are all gathered here today to say a final goodbye to the wonderful Georgio Miller..." The vicar started when everyone had settled down into their pew.

Today was a horrible yet lovely day, it allowed us all to commemorate my amazing father in-law, we were all dressed up and holding one another up.

Adia had been so strong through this period of horror, she has been amazing in helping with explaining to Sophia where her best friend had gone. She has also been so helpful with me being ready to give birth asap.

"We would like to ask Georgio's son Colton Miller to say a few words." The Vicar said after his opening speech.

"Hello everyone, as you know, I am Georgio's son. My father was an amazing man, an amazing father and a brilliant grandfather. My mother, Adia and my dad met when they were young, they were 24 and 26. Instantly they knew it was love at first sight. After a year of dating, they married and I came along 9 years later. Then my amazing sister was born 1 year later, and our family was complete. You see, all throughout our childhood, Alyssa and I were told of our parents love, we heard all the stories, yet we both thought it was too good to be true. And here we are almost 40 years later, their love has never faltered. Alyssa and I never thought the love our parents shared would be possible for us, however our father never failed to stop persuading his children that their one true love is out there. And he was correct, Alyssa found my amazing brother in-law Liam, she was the first of us to find her true love, and my father was behind this romance for the past 10 years. Now, I may be boring all of you, however I'm going to get to a bit which sounds like it came from a story, and it was all due to my father. You see, I had given up, I was 26, I thought that I wouldn't find anyone and that I should just put all of my attention into my work. He came to my office one day, persuading me to keep looking for the one, after he left the office, I decided to take a walk." Colton said, pausing occasionally to dab slight tears that are forming. I was just streaming like a fountain in the front row. Adia saw my stream of tears so she grabbed my hand and helped wipe my tears away.

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