Chapter Eighteen

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"Wake up baby, come on beautiful, open your gorgeous eyes." I heard Colton say before I felt him kissing down my neck, making his way to my chest, once he got to my boobs, I opened my eyes, and smirked at him.

"I'm awake now baby!" I chuckled while smirking at him.

"But babe, I'm just getting to the best part." He said, placing soft feather like kissed all over my breasts.

"I love you so much Colton, like you're the best thing in my world." I say, pulling his chin up and gave him a deep kiss.

"Baby, you're the only thing in this world for why I breath. Babe, you don't know how much of my life you have just with your little finger." He says, pecking my lips and then giving my fingers a kiss. I chuckled before pulling his jaw with my hand before giving him a long kiss, before long we were making out. After a quick love making session, I was forced to get up and get ready, luckily Colton helped me get up.

Deciding to dress in a lace body suit with a pair of comfy trousers, finishing it off, I put on a cream oversized cardigan. "Bloody hell baby, are you trying to kill me or something?" Colton asked, before snaking his arms around my waist, kissing down my back. Turning around I circle my arms around his neck and step on my tip-toes to give him a long kiss before pulling away.

"Well are you trying to kill me Mister Miller? Look at you babe, you're so sexy! Voglio le tue mani su tutto il corpo!" I said, placing my head in his neck, relaxing in his warm embrace. (I want your hands all over my body) This made Colton chuckle before giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Babe, I'm taking you on holiday, so we need to start packing, lets get that pretty arse packing so I can have my hands all over you on the plane." He said, before giving my butt a tap before walking into our wardrobe. "Hmm, I think you'll only be needing these." He said chuckling, holding up a pair of high leg bikini bottoms, a revealing bikini top and a load of lace bodysuits and just thongs." This made me almost snort.

"I may need a few more pieces of clothing, babe, unless you want me in just these?" I said, holding up a pair of my most revealing lingerie, and a pair of small white wings.

"Oh god babe, we may never be able to go, with you trying to persuade me." He said, running his hands down the sides of my body, making me shiver.  "Now my love, we must pack and then get to the plane." He said, kissing the crown of my head, before helping me pack everything for the holiday. Once we were done, we got into a chauffeur driven car, and spent the hour-long trip just talking and cuddling with each other.

Arriving at his plane, we get out of the car and try and walk to the steps. Suddenly the paparazzi started to bombard us with questions. "Are you planning on getting married anytime soon?" "Ava are you engaged to Colton?" "Ava are you planning on getting pregnant anytime soon?" ignoring all these questions, we walk to the plane and then get inside. Getting into our seats, we sit and laugh with each other while the plane is taking off.  Once we were allowed out of our seats, we both went and sat on the plush sofa, cuddling into each other. Colton was sat there doing work, and I decided to facetime the other girls.

"HEYYY!" I say, smiling and waving through my iPad. Realising I am a distraction, I try and move away from Colton.

"No baby, stay here, you're not disturbing me. Stay here." He says, pulling me back into his lap.

"Sorry babe, I thought I was disturbing you while working, I am facetiming the girls." I say, snuggling in closer to his chest.

"AWWWW, you guys are so cute together, I wish our boyfriends are like that!" I heard the girls coo at me a Colton.

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