Chapter One

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Ava's POV

"Good morning little monkey, its time to wake up, shall we go to the park today?" I bent down and slightly shacked Charlies little shoulder.

"Morwning Ava, can we, can we?" Charlie asked, whilst rubbing the sleep out of his little eyes.

"Of course, now come on, we need to get up. Now are you going to be a big boy and do everything yourself?" I asked a little teasingly whilst stretching out my arms.

"Of course, Ava, I'm a really big boy, I am this many years old!" he said, whilst showing 6 fingers.

"Well little monkey, its time you get ready then." I turned around and started to walk out the door before waving at him.

Slowly dragging my feet into the kitchen, I walk to the letter box and find a white envelope with a big red 'importance' across the front. Dreading what it is, I open it slowly, reading the contents I sigh. I am being kicked out of the flat in a week. Why do I have this responsibility? Why did they have to leave me at 18 with a new born brother? Why do I have such shite parents that they ran off leaving me and Charlie here?

"I'm wready Ava." I heard Charlie shout, whilst running out of his bedroom.

"Well, lets have some breakfast, and then we should go." I said, placing a plate of toast with a scraping of jam on the top.

"All finished Ava, look I even have a clean face." He said pointing to his surprisingly clean mouth.

"Well that is good little monkey, now shall we go?"

"YES, YES, YES!" he started to bounce up and down on his small feet.

I grab his hand and we walked out of the flat and to the stairs. Taking them one at a time as he still hasn't really got the hand of them yet, we reach the bottom floor in 10 minutes. It takes us around 20 minutes of walking to the nearest park. Well it isn't the nearest, as the nearest is known for child abduction and drugs.

Once we turn and walk down the last lane we see the park come into view. Pushing the gate open, we walk around for 5 minutes until we get to a playground.

"Can I go Ava? Pleawse?" he asked me with his cute little stutter.

"Okay but remember only to go where I can see you." I bent down and gave him a little kiss on the forehead.

Once Charlie had run off to play with the other little children I make my way to sit onto a bench nearby.

"Oh sorry." I hear, a second after I feel like I've hit a brick wall.

"I'm sure there is not a wall here." I say, thinking out loud.

"No, I am truly sorry miss, I am in my own little world. And I think you are too, I hope I haven't hurt you." I hear this sexy voice say with a little Italian twist to it, I look up and my eyes are met with this suited god with a chiselled jaw and sharp cheek bones. Finally, my gaze lands on these amazing green eyes.

"Oh no, I am fine, I hope I haven't hurt you?" I say, brushing faux dust off my dress.

"No, I am perfect, sei bellissimo." He said, whilst looking down at my face.

(You are beautiful.)

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't speak ... Italian?" I ask warily.

"Well that's something you may need to learn, and yes, it is Italian cara." He said a little teasingly, fixated with my face.

"Well then, maybe I should." I said, teasing him back.

"Ava, Ava, Ava, come watch me." Charlie said, whilst running up to me and latching himself onto my legs.

"In a minute little monkey, I am just talking to ...." I said, not even realising we haven't exchanged names yet.

"Colton." Mystery man said.

"I am just talking to Colton, I'll be there in a minute." I said, bending down to his level. "Now, go and continue having fun." I said, kissing his head gently. With that, he ran off in the direction of the playground.

"So, Ava, is that your son?" Colton said, once Charlie had left.

"Oh no, that is my little brother." I said, turning to look if Charlie had made it back safely to the playground.

"Well, I'm gonna leave you to play with him, I hope to see you again, Ava." He said, holding out his hand to shake.

"I do hope I see you again as well, Colton." I say as I put my tiny hands into his massive ones, it was almost as if they fit together perfectly.

Once he had left me, I turned to walk towards the playground where Charlie was playing with some other little kids.


Hiya guys, I hope you like this chapter. If I have spelt the Italian wrong, then please feel free to correct me.

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Okayheels 👌🏻👠

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