Chapter Twelve

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^please not that these people don't play my characters. I want you to imagine them as you want. I just used these as a reference for the photos😘^

Ava's POV

*Few days later*

"You ready babe?" Colton asked, rubbing his thumb over my palm.

"Yeah, I am perfect thank you. I don't get why I am so nervous about an interview. What if their readers hate me?" I nervously fidget and play with his hand.

"They won't hate you baby. Many people love you, and all of them will. You are beautiful and kind. No one has any excuse to hate you." He said, trying to calm me down. He placed a light kiss of my palm.

"Sir we are here." The driver announced before walking to open Colton's door. He quickly got out before walking around the car to get me out.

"Come on baby." He said, offering me his hand to take. I placed my small hand in his humongous one. We walk into a massive building, holding each others hand. Colton walks to the reception before the receptionist looked up and stared at him.

"Hello, my name is Colton Miller. We are here for an interview with Mrs Emily Baker." Colton said, not even noticing the receptionist is day dreaming while staring at his face.

"Oh sure. She will be here any minute. If you'd like to wait over there until she comes." The receptionist gestured over to a seating area. We said our thank you's and then walked over to the sofa. We sat down waiting for a few minutes before a tall skinny brown woman walked over to us.

"Hello guys, my name is Emily. I believe you called this interview mister Miller?" She questioned Colton, while keeping her eyes on me.

"Yes, I did. Me and Ava here decided it was time to show the world who my gorgeous girlfriend is. So, we decided to phone up and make an appointment. Just as we thought that Cosmopolitan would love to have the original interview about my gorgeous girlfriend here." Colton said, placing his hand on the small of my back.

"Of course, Sir. And as a company we are delighted that yourselves have come to us for the interview. Now shall we go upstairs and get this started?" she questioned, with a giant smile on her face.

We got up and she led us to a pair of lifts. We entered them and went up to the 20th floor.

"Welcome to my department. I guessed that you'd like to do this in private." She said, as she opened her door to her office. She leads us towards the two seats in front of her desk. "So, we'll do this however you want." She said once we sat down.

"Well if you want to ask us questions, I'm sure we'll answer most as honest as we can. But if we feel uncomfortable, we just wont answer." Colton said, holding my hand in his.

"Sure, so the first question. Can we know your name, your age and where are you from?"

"Well, my name is Ava Wilson, I am 24 and I am from Oxford." I said, shifting in my seat a little.

"And how did you meet Colton here?" she asked writing down what I had just told her.

"Well, me and my little brother were walking in the park and he ran off playing. I turned to look at him while walking and walked into this brick wall here." I said gesturing to Colton, causing him to smirk. "And we talked until my brother ran over to us and disturbed me. I needed a job and applied for one I found online. The next thing I know, I was working as Colton's pa." I smiled, remembering our past 5 months together.

"So, Colton, could you remember her in the interview? Did you make her compete for her job?" Emily asked, making sure to write down everything we said.

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