Chapter Twenty-Five

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Ava's POV

"Good morning Mr Miller, baby girl and I have been waiting for you to wake up so you could talk back to us." I say, running my hands through Col's hair, before gently pulling him to my lips. Smiling down at me, he gave my lips a long and passionate kiss.

"Well, I am awake right now baby. I'm here for you and our princess to talk to. Although, I hopefully will be able to get to meet our daughter very soon, as you've got less than a week until your due date." He said, rubbing his hand on my stomach, as I lay my head back into the nape of his neck. We spent nearly the whole day just sat in our room, doing nothing but watching movies and snacking.

"Bella, I think we should have some lunch, it is nearing two and if we don't eat, we'll end up having too many snacks. I will go downstairs and get us some lunch if you want baby. I was thinking just some snacky lunch things." He said, as I leaned onto his chest to feel the vibrations rippling through it.

"Yes baby, that sounds lovely thank you, could we eat it on our balcony as I just want to feel the fresh air against my skin?" I questioned, getting up with the help of Colton's arm, before I went into our walk-in wardrobe to grab my fuzzy dressing gown to keep myself and baby warm.

Walking over to the door, I swiftly open the curtains and start to get the room to look like clean one. After cleaning up the room some more, I went to the balcony doors and opened them to get our patio chairs and table ready for when Colton brings our lunch up. Just as I had finished moving the chair into the right place, I hear Colton walk into our room.

"Baby, I know you're really pregnant, but would you be able to help me place this onto the table, its really unsteady." Colton said, as he walked past our bed, towards where I was standing. I 'helped' as to be as gigantically put it, as I just watched the tray to ensure that nothing drops when he places them onto the metal tray.

We ate lunch with one another, sharing our foods and having a long conversation even though we've been in our room for the past week as I was too tired to do anything else. Suddenly, I feel our baby kick me, causing me to stand up in pain.

"Ahhh, baby girl, please don't kick your mummy so hard." Colton reacted to me crying in pain, as I stood up, holding my hands to my overly enlarged stomach. As soon as Colton's hand touches my stomach, our baby kicked once again, but this time I felt water trickling down my legs.

"Ava, are you okay? Baby, what's happened?" Colton stood up in a rush, carefully placing his large hands on my shoulder.

"Yeah, ahhh, baby I think my waters have broken!" I said, almost fainting with the amount of pain the contraction had given me.

"Merda Tesoro, dobbiamo andare. Prendo la borsa dell'ospedale e poi saliamo in macchina. Come on baby, grab my hand, I will help you walk." Colton said as he helped me walk from one side of the balcony to the other. Once he grabbed our prepacked bags, we walk very slowly down the stairs towards our garage where the car is waiting. (S@@t baby, we have to go. I'll get your hospital bag and then we should get into the car.)

Getting into the car very slowly, I cry out in pain as another wave of contraction ripples through my body, causing our baby to kick me once again, but it felt like she was kicking me ribs wanting to be out in the world. Once I was placed into the car, Colton ran around to the other side as I wanted him to be a passenger with me instead of driving as I needed him for support. Once he got in the back seat with me, he leans over me and fastens my seatbelt carefully, to ensure that it isn't heavily pushing into my bump. As soon as Colton buckled himself up, our chauffeur started to drive away, at a high speed, almost hitting the speed limit if not slightly above it.

"Ahhhhh Colton, it hurts, I don't want to do this!" I say, grabbing his hand in a vice like grip. He helps me breath through the pain, which I am sure he is doing to help himself also as of the pain I am causing him; however, he doesn't even complain once. He cradles me into his chest while trying to soothe me, still having one of his hands in mine and the other one is soothing my blonde slightly curly hair down.

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