Chapter Ten

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Ava's POV

"Belle, it's time to go, the plane is ready for us." Colton said, rubbing his hands up and down my arms.

"Okay." I said, with a small frown. I bent don't to Charlies level before bringing him into my arms. "Little monkey, always remember that I love you, and that you can phone me any time day or night. If you need me I will come as soon as possible. Be a good boy for Adia and Georgio, and work hard, really hard. I think well come over next holiday. I love you Charlie." I bent down and gave him a long kiss on the forehead before squeezing him in my arms.

"I lowve you too Av." He said, circling his small arms round my neck, before kissing my cheek.

"Its time baby." Colton said, placing his hand on my lower back, signalling me it was time to leave. I stood up and circled my arms around Adia and Georgio.

"Thank you so much for welcoming me and Charlie into your family with open arms. I've had the best of my life these past days. And once again, thank you for offering Charlie to have his education here in this beautiful country." I backed away slowly with a tear in my eye.

"You have been most welcome Ava, you are a beautiful and kind soul, just perfect for our son. Now go, before I lock you in a room to keep you here." Adia said, lightly pushing me towards Colton's open arms.

We walked out of the house hand in hand, before getting in the awaiting car, I waved at Adia, Georgio and lastly Charlie. We got into the car, I started to break down into uncontrollable tears.

"Hey baby girl, he's going to be okay. Don't cry baby, I can't see you in tears." Colton said, pulling me onto his lap, placing my head in the crook of his neck.

"I've just left his. Exactly like how our 'parents' left us. I can't believe I've done that. I've become my parents." I broke into a complete crying mess.

"Your nothing like your so-called parents. Have you not seen how brilliantly you have brought your brother up. These past 6 years, you have sacrificed your life, to put your brothers first. You even skipped meals just, so he could eat. Baby, you're the best person on this earth, not only are you beautiful. But your soul is too. My parents have given you time to be a 'normal' 24-year-old. If anyone can be a normal person. Now is your time to live a little. You don't have to worry about your brother as he is with my parents." He lifted my chin up with his index finger, before giving my lips a little peck.

"And also, baby, it gives us time to just be a couple. So, I can have you 24/7. And it means you can now chase your dreams. Become the amazing and beautiful model I know my sexy girlfriend can be." He finished his little rant before smashing his lips down on mine.

"Sir, Madame, we have arrived." The driver announced before opening the door to let Colton out first. The driver went to the boot before Colton ran around the car and opened the door for me. Placing my hand in his outstretched hand, I lift myself from the car. We walk together to the plane situated in front of us. Paparazzi were shouting Colton's name, asking what my name was. We were escorted by body guards until we got to the plane, Colton guided me into the plane first, before he climbed the small number of stairs before pulling me along to sit on a plush looking sofa.

"Hey guys." I heard Liam say, before he sat down further down the plane with Alyssa.

"Oh, hey guys, I didn't realise you'd be on the plane, are you coming back to the UK?" I ask, as I sit down next to Colton.

"Yeah, we live half in Italy and half in UK. We've left the kids with mum and dad, so they could go for a bit of tuition." Alyssa said, before leaning to Liam. "I know its rude, but I am shattered, I was up all night with my baby girl. So, if I fall asleep, I am truly sorry." She said, yawning before placing her head on Liam's shoulder

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