Chapter Nineteen

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Ava's POV

I open my eyes to be greeted with a beautiful pink sunrise, it is the perfect way to wake up on a Sunday. Turning over to my side, I am greeted with the face of my handsome boyfriend, who is deep in sleep from having a busy week. Giggling at his soft little snores, I place my hand on his cheek and give him a small kiss on his awaiting lips. Sitting up from the bed, I try and keep the duvet against my bare chest, however Colton pulled it back revelling my chest. Laughing at his unconscious moves, I walk into our bathroom and started to get dressed for the day. Once I have finished placing my hair in a messy bun at the top of my head, I walk out to the walk-in closet and decide to wear a pale blue dress. Once I have dressing, I walk back over to the bed, and try and wake up Colton.

"Morning babe, I am going to the studio to do a few shoots, see you later baby." I say, playing with his messy hair, while he looks at me in a sleepy matter.

"Have a good day baby, I love you so much. Mmh see you later beautiful." He says while holding onto my hand, before giving my palm a quick peck. He gave lips one more peck before I had to leave. Looking at my phone I see that it is 8 o'clock, I got into my awaiting car which drives me to the studio where I will have my fittings and shoots.

The first fitting I did was for VS where I had the fitting for the fantasy bra which I will be showing in November. I was fitted for multiple shoots and pieces of lingered, I have also been trying on my wings for the show and they are beautiful. Halfway through the next fitting I hear a familiar voice come into the studio.

"Ava, can I come and see you? Why am I asking?" Colton says, laughing to himself before turning the corner and walking into the dressing room. He suddenly gasps before staring at me with his mouth open ajar as he stares at me in content.

"What are you staring at baby? I'm just being fitted for the last one, I'll be done in a minute." I say, blowing him a kiss whilst turning around in the wedding dress I am being fitted in. I play with the bottom and the train whilst I am being photographed, I also do turns and jump to show how flowing the dress is. Once I have finished with the shoot, Colton asks everyone to leave for a couple, they oblige as they were going to look at the photos to see if we need any more for this shoot.

"Babe, are you okay, you look so shocked?" I asked, while walking to him and circling my arms around his neck.

"I'm okay baby, its just you look so gorgeous in a wedding dress. Babe, I just want to go and get married right now. Babe I can't even explain, you are stunning, and I can't wait for you to be walking down the aisle to me the day you become mine for ever." He says before he dips me down and gives me a long passionate. We keep making out for how knows long, before we decided we wanted to back to the house, so we can have just the two of us time.

Getting into Colton's range rover, we drive through the streets of London, before we turned up at our house. The whole way, Colton had his hand on my thigh, or I placed mine on his if he had to fully concentrate. Every once in a while, he would lift my hand up and give it a kiss before placing his own back on my leg.

Once we pulled up to the house, Colton jumped out of the car and ran to my door, before I had even got the chance to open my door, I am greeted with a smiley Colton who had already opened my door. I take his hand and hopped out of his car. Laughing at how cute my boyfriend is, I give him a kiss on his lips before walking into the mansion.

"Let's go to the pool in the conservatory, its nice and warm, and its really relaxing baby." Colton said rubbing my shoulders once we were inside his house. Quickly changing into my two-piece bikini, I slip on my VS robe and walk down to the pool. When I got there, I was greeted with a bare torso Colton who was in his grey trunks. Walking over to him I gave him a back hug, running my hand down his six pack, which caused him to let out a soft moan.

"Before this goes too far babe, lets get your sexy body in that pool, before we get another type of moist." He said, turning around his body in my arms, picking me up and slowly starts to walk down into the pool, once we are deep enough, I swim away splashing him whilst laughing my head off. "I love your laugh baby, I love making you feel like this." Colton said, picking me up in his arms and just spinning us around.

We played in the pool for an hour, before we got out and just laid on our towels which were laid out on the floor.  When we were completely dry, we walked to the patio bed and just laid and watched the stars for a while. For over an hour and a half me and Colton were just watching the sky turn from day to night, while we just rested in one another's arms. Most of the time, it was just my head leaning on his chest whilst he played with my hair and gave my forehead a kiss every once in a while.

"Let's go and get washed babe." I said, pulling Colton along with me, walking back into the house and up to our bathroom, I turned on the bath water. I quickly added a relaxing bubble bath and rose petals, to give it a relaxing feel. I turn to Colton and he starts helping me undress from my bikini, and once I am undressed, I help Colton undress before he gets into the bath. Once he is sat and is comfortable, I get in with his help, before relaxing back into his arms. We relaxed in the bath for 40 minutes, just playing with the bubbles, which included me giving Colton a bubble beard before he gave me a bubble necklace and hat.

"So baby, I love you, and seeing you in that dress babe. I want to make you my wife like right now, do you want kids' babe?" Colton asks me whilst I'm playing with his slightly damp hair.

"I do babe, I'm just worried I wouldn't be able to bring them up probably. Do you want kids' baby?" I ask, moving my body so I can face him whilst were in bed.

"Of course, I want children, I want to have them you, I can't see any other person in this world who I would love more than you. Babe I want to see a baby in your arms, especially if the baby is mine. Imagine if we had a baby, it would be so cute and even the thought of having kids with you makes me want to kid with you like right now." He says, turning so that he is eye level with me, he stokes my hair before he gave me a long kiss.

"Baby, I want to marry you, I want you to have my children and I want to love you for the rest of my life. Babe, you are the one for me, you are my soulmate, you are my life. I can imagine the day you are walking down the aisle to me, in a beautiful white dress with a veil covering you're beautiful face until you get to the alter. I just want wait to have a full family with you and seeing my children in your arms." Colton said, whilst playing with my hair, before he gave me a long and passionate kiss. Things escalated quickly, and before we knew it, colton was trying to get his dream to become a reality.

I am so sorry that this is so short, but this is leading to something big!!!

I am so sorry this has taken so long for me to upload this, I have had so many problems. This being I went on holiday abroad at Christmas and was hospitalized, when I got back to the U.K I had to have surgery asap. I have then been so busy with my college coursework trying to catch up on work which has been missed.

I am so grateful of the support and continuously love for both of my books. I love the comments all of you made, and they are helpful of how I can make my story as best as possible.

Okayheels 👌🏻👠xx

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