Chapter 5: Sea Problem

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As Qrow looked at the time wondering when Hector would be there. It was almost one'o clock, the time Hector said to meet him.

"I'm starting to think he just set me up-"


Qrow looked up to see Hector walking towards him and as armed as he always was.
He took a seat and asked,
"So what do you want?"

"Down to business already?"
"Well I do have another bounty I'm trying to find so yeah."
"And whose the lucky guy?"
"Wouldn't you like to know."

"Okay okay, listen you have alot of potential kid. Don't let it go to waste." Qrow said before Hector leaned back on his chair and said,
"Why do you think I'm doing bounties for?"
"No I mean, signing up for one if the Academy's."

"Let's see one: I'm too young. Two: I already turned down that offer with Ozpin... that's his name right?"

"Heh, yeah. I could get you in you know? I know this all seems nice." Qrow said pointing his finger at the dining room which was rather pretty before continuing.

"But you can't do this forever. Plus you could meet a nice girl there."

"Please, I already met women before. Have you seen the ones working as waitresses in the inns?" Hector replied which Qrow's eyes widened a bit before Hector asked.
"But tell me this, Ozpin sent you to spy on me huh?"
Qrow stared into the soulless visor of the gas mask and said,

"You're smarter than you look."

"How dumb do you think I am huh? You think it was a coincidence when you happened to drop by near the police station?"

Hector responded before he said,
"That's the thing about you Huntsmen, most of you think the second you graduate your training is done and yet you're still easy to pick off. Now do me a favor and fuck off before I start praying that you end up on a wanted list." He then got up and left Qrow wondering where it went wrong.

"Oz isn't going to like this."

As Hector went up the elevator he was feeling a tad bit mad over the situation.

"The fuck does this old man want? I guess it's fine to train child soldiers but as soon as someone a bit younger does what I'm doing,
Oh no! You're too young! Man they can eat a dick."

Hector thought as he went into his room and laid onto the cushy bed.
He then started scrolling through the wanted list in Vale and saw a small bounty for a man that was just under 200 lien.

"Fuck it I got nothing better to do today." Hector thought as he jumped off the bed and went to his last known location: Vale's Docks.

As he traveled through the alleyways and avoided large crowds for around forty minutes until arriving at the docks. He was on top of a warehouse where he used his sniper to look where he could be hiding. Assuming of course he was still there.
As Hector looked around he couldn't help but like the soft breeze. It was probably one of the few moments he felt at peace until he saw a very suspicious man in a trench coat.

He aimed his sights at the man to try and get a clear view and... bingo. It was him.

Hector then jumped onto a truck before landing on the ground and quickly walking towards him. He was walking near the ridge where he soon heard him arguing with a man in a all black suit and red tie and sunglasses.

"Look man, that's all I got!"
"That sucks."
"You owe me one remember?"
"When- oh right... that."

"Fine... just don't cause trouble." The gangster said before letting him in the boat. Hector then heard the captain say over the speakers,
"Last call for ship heading to Atlas!"

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