Chapter 14: A Friendly Meeting

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After Hector dismantled the Mole Rat gang he was saying his goodbyes to those who had helped him throughout his somewhat short journey in Mantle.

"So you're finally heading back to Vale?" Citrine asked.

"Yeah, going to rest for a week or two before I start hunting again." Hector replied which Citrine was a bit uneasy.

"And who are you going after this time? The Florence family?" Her dad said which Hector responded,

"I've been here for nearly three months and I never got your name... what is it?"

"Bruce Foxtrot."

"Ah... after a massacre I've finally know your name." Hector said which then earned a elbow from She Who Wields Three.

"Ow! Do you have to do that? And when did YOU get here!?"

"Long enough to hear your barbaric response Hector." She said sternly which Hector said,

"Well I gotta go before my ride leaves me."

"Isn't that risky? You know... with Atlas still looking for you?" Citrine asked which be said,

"Nope! I've got a little associate working for me and I got some of the people to spread rumors that I was in the eastern tundra so I'm good."

"You could sign up at one of the academys." Bruce said which Hector replied.

"Yeah no. Why would go there when I've already did things that a Huntsmen couldn't do? I mean there's Sion and my take down of the Mole Rats. If anything they should just give me the license at this point."



"Watch your arrogance. Plus I already got my things ready."


"Just because you're going to Vale doesn't mean your training is done. Far from it."

Hector slumped his shoulders before saying,

"I've met some pretty fucked up people but you... you're probably the most evil person I've met."

"And that's coming from the kid who slaughtered now over fifty people-"

"Hector!" Both Lapis and Rush yelled before running at him and hugging his legs.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be in school?" Hector replied.

"How could we when we heard you were leaving!" Rush responded which Lapis added.

"Well yeah the people in Atlas for some reason don't like me, usually I don't care but Ironwood has been on my butt nonstop so I'm off for a bit." Hector explained.

"Awwwww!" They both groaned which got a light hearted chuckle from the group. Which Hector then saw two humans walk into the inn.

One man, one female. The man sort of long hair in a bun with a beard that was beginning to grow out and the woman a splitting image of Lapis but older.

"You must b-be the bounty hunter." The woman said a bit nervous since she heard what he had done before.

"You're the parents of Lapis? Pleasure to meet you." Hector said extending out his hand to shake theirs.

"I... can't thank you enough for saving my wife." The man said bowing his head.

"I made your kid a promise that I would find her... so I did." Hector replied which the mom said,

"Either way, we and everyone who got saved is forever in your debt."

"You make me sound like a saint." Hector mused before he said.

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