Chapter 16: Hostage

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Hector and Traya were currently in the outskirts of Vacuo. They were grabbing all the necessities before heading into Florence territory.

While in the market they both noticed people talking about one of the members of the council.

"What political tension is it this time?" Hector  asked Traya while putting a canteen of water in his bag.

"From what I've heard one of the council members hasn't been seen in days. If you ask me he's probably just on vacation... hold on."
Traya said before she trailed off and sensed someone, no. Multiple people watching them.

"Hector, get ready." She said which Hector slowly reached for his shotgun and ready to draw it towards anyone running at or aiming a gun at him.

They then saw a group of armed guards with the Vacuo symbol on their body armor surround them.

"When you said you wanted me to fight multiple people I thought it would be bandits." Hector said sarcastically before Traya grabbed her swords handles ignoring Hector's response.

The surrounding people then quickly left the area while the people who had shops ducked behind their stand.

One of the guards stepped foward with his hands up and said,

"We only want to talk. We don't want to fight you."

"Your men say otherwise." Traya replied which Hector whispered to her.

"Hey I don't have a... the thing remember?!"

"Stand down." He said which prompted his men to lower their guns. After which he walked towards them with his hands in the air before talking to where only they could hear.

"The council wishes to speak to you."

"How do we know this ain't a trap?" Hector said pulling out his shotgun which put the guards on edge.

They were told who they were sent to retrieve. And of course some of them weren't too eager to try and convince The Bounty Hunter, The White Death, the one who evaded Atlas military for months and turned down a offer to join Beacon Academy.

"I can assure you that the council just wants to talk to you." He explained.

Hector turned to Traya who still has ready to unleash her swords had put the tips of her fingers together and replied.

"Very well."


"But if you try anything the council will have to start looking into their replacements." Traya said.

After a quick trip to the Vacuoan city hall they were escorted through the sandstone halls while also passing by the plam trees and a small clear pond in the middle of the large building.

They then reached two large wooden door with two armed guards with rifles and bayonets who stepped to the side.

"What do you think they want?"

"Don't know but they certainly want to talk about using your skills." Traya responded to Hector who still had his hand close to his shotgun.

They entered a large room where they saw three council members out of the four.

On the very left was a man who seemed to be the youngest yet fittest but remembered that this was Theodore. The headmaster of Shade Academy.

"I'm going to put a bullet in Ozpin I swear."

Hector thought to himself. He was getting tired of Ozpin's antics. However Theodore looked at him with a saddened expression on his face.

To his right was a woman with short black hair that curled at the ends with yellow eyes.
She looked at him quizzically before he turned his attention to the last man.

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