Chapter 29: Gone Wrong

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Hector now was wearing what he wore to the meeting but this time brought all of his weapons. His sniper, shotgun, revolver, arm braces, air booster, gravity boots, four grenades and three knives.

He wasn't taking it up to chance to not have a weapon he needed. As he jumped from warehouse to warehouse he was able to jump to the warehouse the meeting was taking place.

Using a small mirror to look at at the meeting without alerting anyone he looked at with an aura. He figured this out by experimenting on how to look at a person without their aura alerting them.

'That's alot more terrorists than I thought.' Hector thought before moving around the mirror to see who stuck out.

There was a large man in the stage whose mask was different and had red markings on the bottom going up. He had what appeared to be a chainsaw sword.

'Good thing that it's easy to see who's important and who's not... I want his chainsaw- Jesus Christ I am going insane... probably.'

Hector thought as he saw a large object being covered up by a tarp.
'It's probably some type of weapon, but then where would the White Fang get something like that?'

Hector thought to himself as a large man with the chainsaw stepped foward and began to talk as he walked the stage.

"Thank you all for coming. For those who are just joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours.
I can assure, he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for, for so long."

The crowd then began to burst into boos as Roman Torchwick along with Neo standing next to what Hector thought was the weapon.

"What's a human doing here?" A faunus yelled out.

"I'm glad you asked dearie." Roman said before continuing.
"Now I'll be the first to admit it, humans are the WORST. Case in point.
I understand why you would love to see us all locked away or better yet- killed! But before the claws come out I would like to mention that you and I ALL have a common enemy.

The ones in control, the people pulling the strings. The dirty rotten humans that run our kingdoms.
Government, military, and the schools. They're all to blame for your lot in life.
And they're all the pests that need to be dealt with. Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around... no offense to any rodents in the room."

Roman then takes off the cover to reveal a  Atlas mech branded with the White Fang logo and the crowd began to cheer Roman.

'No mames wey!'
Hector thought in disbelief at Atlas's security.

"As some of you might have heard this here is Atlas's newest line of defense against all the scary things in the world. And thanks to my... employer. We've managed to snag a few before they hit the shelves.

Now many of your brothers have already moved to our newest operation in the southeast.

If you'd rather stay in the city that's fine. But if you're truly ready to fight in what you believe in, this is the arsenal I can provide for you."

Roman said which the crowd began to cheer while Hector facepalmed... well mask palmed his mask. However as he took out his scroll to then take a picture as evidence since Ironwood would probably try and deny this embarrassing failure.

Hector looked down without the small mirror to get a better view he noticed Roman looking into the crowd of recruits intently. As if recognizing someone Hector looked between Roman and the crowd trying to see who it was he was looking at.

Then before he could see who Roman was eyeing down someone in the crows shot the fuze box shutting down the lights.

"I fucken swear if Ironwood-"

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