Chapter 25: Massacre

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Vernal was having trouble sleeping as the day fell into night. She couldn't really sleep no matter how hard she tried.

No matter how many times she turned, she couldn't fall asleep. Perhaps she was just nervous? Nooo that couldn't be it, she was The Bandit Queen's right hand!

She had shed blood, sweat and tears to earn his position within the tribe. Shrugging off, she decided that it would probably be best to take a small stroll.

As she left her tent and looked around she noticed that there was no one on guard duty.

"I swear these idiots." Vernal murmured under her breath as she went to one of them who was on a chair.

However when she looked around the campsite she didn't find anyone. There would usually be a few of them up and about but it was eerily silent.

She reached for her weapons when she heard footsteps coming up from behind. She then spun around and aimed her weapons at one of tribesmen.

"Hey! Hey! It's me!" The man said while holding a cup of coffee.

"Freakin... where are the people that are supposed to be on lookout duty?" Vernal asked which the guy replied.

"I don't know? I was actually supposed to switch out with Bill but I can't find the guy."

Knowing something was wrong she started walking around the camp yelling.
"Alright we're doing a head count! Everyone up!"

Followed by a series of groans and complaints everyone started leaving their respective tents and standing wondering why Vernal wanted to do a headcount during the middle of the night.

"Hey man get up." One of the bandits said to her tent neighbor but didn't get a response.

"Dude, Vernal is gonna drag your ass out if you don't wake up."

Still nothing happened. Knowing what will happen if he doesn't get up he opened up to tent to horrifying results.

Jumping back from pure shock and terror before someone asked what got him so spooked.
But before he could respond another person gasped in horror which then everyone came to a horrifying revelation that something was killing them in their sleep.

"Everyone weapons out!" Vernal commanded while everyone was now wide awake and nervous.

Vernal did a quick head count and to her shock she only counted twenty two including her. She came here with around sixty six people and without the slightest hint lost forty four of her comrades.

"Who did this?!"
"We'll make this sum of a bitch pay!"
"Let's go hunt them down!"

The remaining bandits were getting rowdy until Vernal yelled at them to calm down.


Her voice echoed through the night silencing even the more talkative of the tribe.

"Everyone shut up listen up! I don't know how the hell this happened but it's not gonna get better if we act out now."

Vernal said with a authoritative voice until a another voice chimed in that got everyone's attention.

"Yes, listen to little Vernal. She'll protect you."

Everyone then aimed their rifles, pistols and machetes at two figures that emerged from the shadows.

One was a elderly woman with brown robes with a hood covering the top half of her face while having two swords on her hips with a third on her back.

The other one was someone who Raven herself scoffed at. The Bounty Hunter, here right in front of her wielding a bloody knife.

The large sniper that was on his back, the shotgun on his left leg, a revolver on the right side of his hip, and... Sion's sword on the opposite side.

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