Chapter 15: Talk

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As Hector continued his training some Atlas as stated before: Put a bounty on Hector.

Many in Atlas thought this would dissuade the bounty hunter from bringing his barbarian ways into the kingdom... but got twelve dead gang members instead with a note mocking them.

As Hector returned to Vale, the council there sorta turned a blind eye to him as crime went down since his return. The owner of Vale's Luxury Stay kept quiet about his new apartment suite and made sure he could enter his suite through the maintenance tunnels which led to the boiler room which led to the employee elevator which in turn led to his apartment.

It was two if not three times as bigger than his last suite. It even had a fireplace which displayed his accomplishments...
each poster showing the bounty he's killed.

High notoriety bounties such as rogue Huntsmen and criminals got their weapon displayed such as his recent addition, Owl.

Her wanted poster and machete on display for his pride and sense of accomplishment.

Traya herself was against such a act as but if she wanted to show the world just how far the Huntsmen have fallen, Hector would have to continue his killing spree.

Both Traya and Hector knew that both were using each other but it was a beneficial alliance to say the least.

Hector had even gone shopping which by he he meant Amanda the dog faunus who worked the front desk. He had her bring a catalog of the store that was known to supply Huntsmen and Huntresses with their unique clothing.

Amanda was of course paid and let her supervisor know so that there would be no problems. He agreed but didn't know if it was out of fear or money... probably both.

Hector settled for a sorta dark brown sleevless duster lined with a thick black leather layer. He had made the duster to where the back went down to near his thighs since it was originally just off the ground.

He wasn't leaving it up to chance and have the back get stuck on some tree branch if he was running away.

He also got himself a black chest plate to protect his lungs. He also gotten knee pads and elbow pads. Along with loose fitting military pants that were a dark grey color.

He was currently tracking a small group of bandits that were scouting a nearby settlement.

Hector knew that it was a matter of time before they led him and his mentor to their camp where they would be slaughtered.

From what Amanda told him, the police and even that Qrow guy was asking for him. Hector then instructed her stall as much as possible since he didn't like being interrupted while hunting especially in Vacuo.

"You know it's only a matter of time before the councils try and stop you."

Traya said behind him while Hector peered over the edge looking down at the bandits taking a small break.

"I know... that's why I'm going to make the most of it." Hector whispered.

"And then what? What happens after they've put laws in place?" Traya countered.

"That that is a good question... for future Hector." He said which Traya sighed instead of starting to argue with the bounty hunter.


"And he got away again? Ha! You know he really knows how to make a fool out of anyone."

Qrow said while in Ozpin's office with Amber and Glynda who were in a call with Ironwood.

"I knew he was skilled but this is on a different level." Amber added which Ironwood tried to counter by saying,

"He won't get in through the kingdom again. How he keeps avoiding detection is purely luck. Ozpin, he's too dangerous to be free. He's even killed bounties and not even claim the reward money!"

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