Chapter 6: Welcome to Atlas

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The ship was now an hour away from Atlas and Hector was currently in a room eating lobster as a thank you from the chefs.

"Mmmm maybe Atlas isn't so bad." Hector said as he finished up.

"*cough *cough *COUGH!" Hector coughed loudly as he didn't keep track of time how much he went without his gas mask.

Ever since that accident with helping his father's lead chemist with the drug MDMA(Molly), his lungs have been weakened to the point that Hector must breath in clean air or death is a certain end. And a painful one at that.
He put on his gas mask and began to slowly breath and let his lungs settle. Even while breathing the clean air his gas mask filtered through, he was often in discomfort around his chest.

Whatever he had gotten wrong in the recipe it made the skin over his ribs look like he'd been starved for weeks with a few veins sticking out. However as he let out small coughs every now and then he thought about aura again.

He hasn't tried to get one but knew that if he couldn't get one, people will certainly start looking for him as literally everyone has one.

He looked at his sniper laying on the bed and looked in the mirror. He hasn't gotten new clothes or even armor, if he was going to operate in Atlas for a time he needed a upgrade.

He needed... "inspiration". He got his old phone and went to work.
His phone had somehow beyond his understanding of how it was even possible... stored the internet.

He needed some type of winter boots as his nike cortezez wouldn't help with the cold aswell as a coat and maybe even another jacket... perhaps white to help if he has to out into the cold and needs to blend in.

Thermal pants? Atlas would surely have that aswell but another thing was weapons. His was already great but... he wanted more.

He read before eating that Atlas unfortunately pays more when the bounty is turned in alive and not dead. They wouldn't mind a body of two that didn't move, afterall the dust mines spew out more corpses than bounties for sure.

Hector wanted something that would help him in case he needed to use his Toxicas in a instant and not take it from his lower back, double press the button and throwing it or use it as a close combat weapon.

He would want it on his left wrist, but small as he wanted it to be concealed. He would but a smaller canister on his wrist built into the hidden weapon for it not to be too bulky.

Hector's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a horn. He got up and could see Atlas in the flowting distance with Mantle underneath it.

"If that doesn't show the inequality of this place I don't know what will."

Hector said as I got his things and reminded himself about his other things he hid on the floorboards under his bed in the hotel.
He then called the receptionist wondering if he could straight up buy it.

"Hello, this is Vale's Luxury Stay Hotel how can I help you today?"

"Hey it's me again, your friendly neighborhood bounty hunter." Hector said cheerfully before the receptionist started fumbling her words.

"O-oh! I-uh... h-how can I-I help?"
"You know that room I'm using that's basically an apartment?"
"How much for it?"
"You... want to buy it?"
"Let me... talk to my supervisor."

After a minute or two a man picked up the phone while Hector was spinning in his chair.

"Hello, Bounty Hunter? Are you still there?"
"Yes sir!"

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