Chapter 33: More Truths

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"Have you read some of Remnant's fairy tales?" Traya asked which Hector replied.

"Bold of you to assume I partake in such childish activities." Hector replied imitating Traya's speech and voice.


"Sorry... no I haven't read any. What? You're gonna say one of them is real?"

Traya didn't say no but simply stared at the bounty hunter who then stared back and said.

"Well damn... which one?"

"Let me tell you about the story of the four Maidens."

A few minutes later...

"THAT'S WHY OZPIN CARES SO MUCH ABOUT AMBER!" Hector yelled while slamming his fists on the dinner table.

It all made sense, the kidnapping from when he first met Amber. Roman and The White Fang working together, it was all for one thing: The Fall Maiden's power.

Ozpin had pulled him into his little game of chess against these foes that sought her power for themselves.

The same people that had infiltrated Beacon Academy and were waiting to strike. Their leader as Traya described was a woman who was old as Remnant itself.

Who was hellbent on destroying the world by using the four relics that were hidden within the four Huntsmen Academys.

Traya then told Hector of Ozpin's curse that allowed him to be reincarnated after dying.

Hector asked Traya on what to do with this information since he obviously couldn't confront Ozpin since he would surely have the general lock him up for good. Traya simply told him to do his job but to be wary of Ozpin's manipulation. Which hinted that Traya didn't want the young man to be intangled in this war.

When Traya was asked how she knew, she told him that she used to be part of Ozpin's innercicle. However as time moved on and bodies piled up on both sides she became disillusioned with the war.

Traya then told Hector that in some why felt personally responsible for both the current Fall Maiden's predicament. Ozpin had explained what was going on and though he said she could decide Ozpin worded it and hinted that their cooperation wasn't optional.

The Witch as Traya called her was Ozpin's rival that wanted complete destruction of all life. Ozpin was happy that she could be kept at bay but it was just a statement that costed the lives of many countless good Huntsmen and Huntresses according to Traya.

Amber herself was also a victim. Ozpin had guilt tripped Amber to become the next Fall Maiden after the previous one was exhibiting signs of depression. Then there was the Spring Maiden that didn't seem to mind the burden but Traya explained that she was actually trained by The Bandit Queen herself who suddenly disappeared.

So it Traya was sure Raven had something to do with it since anything is possible in this world.

And thus Hector sat their thinking about everything Traya had told him.

"You seem rather calm." Traya commented which Hector replied.

"A guy in Florida robbed a fast food place with a alligator so in terms of crazy it's up there."

"However I advise to be even more vigilant around Ozpin and his allies."

"Obviously since the Witch's cats are after me too and Amber. So a two for one deal is what they're hoping for." Hector answered rubbing the filter of his gas mask as if it was his chin.

Then silence fell upon the room before Hector said,

"As much as I love to ask more questions about the Maidens, Ozpin, and The Witch I need to tell Ozpin that the Witch's child soldiers have infiltrated the school.
So if you wanna rub it in here's your chance but don't tell him that I know what you know."

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