Chapter 20: The Seeker

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After delivering Topaz at the council's office where Hector and his crew met them.

"Here's your missing councilman- where's Ziro?" Hector said upon seeing his seat empty.

"He's already been apprehended. I arrested him myself." Theo said which Stella then added,

"I was shocked to hear Ziro was working with them but that also explained how the Florence's were able to stay one step ahead of us. By the way, what happened to them?"

The council received silence but by judging the faces of his crew they knew the answer they were going to get.

"Oh relax they're... resting. But back to business, I'll be taking the rest of my payment and bonus now."

Hector responded before one of their guards walked towards him with a briefcase filled small rectangular gold bars. He had already given the crew their bonus from the raids so this was his extra extra bonus.

He grabbed the briefcase before doing his now signature two finger salute,

"Have fun cleaning up my little mess at the Florence's place." Hector said before leaving the room.

As he planned during his ride on the bullhead he quickly went through streets, alleyways, roofs, etc etc. Anything to make himself scarce.

Luckily it was still early in the morning so not as many people were up and about.

After making his way to the cave where Traya had been waiting with the gold and money after they dropped it from the bullhead the money and gold was still outside. Pulling out his revolver and a Toxica, a weapon he hasn't used in what seemed like forever went into the cave.

He hadn't used his Toxica because a part of him didn't want to give other people ideas. If he was going to use it, it was going to be a absolute last resort.

Nothing seemed out of place at first. Until further investigating he found what looked like a carving in the wall.


This was a phrase he and Traya made up in case they had to split up. This meant that while he had been gone almost the past week Traya had gone into hiding. The Seeker also meant that someone was following them which made Hector more paranoid.

This also meant he would have to ditch the money and gold... if he wanted to.

Instead of leaving it there for someone else to claim, he instead started digging while having his new shiny revolver with him.

A few days ago...

Traya was looking over the plans after Hector bad left which she wouldn't say in front of him but she was impressed. Although he had a few loose screws in her opinion, he was quite the tachnician.

But while he and his group were gone to do their raids she kept sensing a sinister presence near her. As Hector and his squad left she went into the cave to avoid the heat.

But as she turned her back she quickly turned around to see a large scorpion's tail slowly hide behind a rock. Pretending as if she saw nothing she drew one of her swords and wrote on the wall The Seeker.

As day turned to night she emegered from the cave with all three swords and said,

"Come out you coward. I know you're here."

Coming out from on top of the cave Traya walked backwards preparing for the stranger to make their move but instead the man simply giggles.

Wearing a brown coat with a hood covering his head he talked in a calm manic voice.

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