Chapter 41: Beacon Days Pt.2

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After the match Ren and Hector shook hands as a sign of sportsmanship. Hector gave him a few pointers here and there and overall a well interaction with team JNPR who in his opinion were better than team RWBY... which he told them of course.

The following morning Amber was in the apartment making some sandwiches for lunch while Hector was nearby simply spinning his revolver around while drinking a glass of water with a straw.

"If it goes off you're paying for the damages." Amber said which Hector replied,
"Jokes on you I'm rich."

Amber rolled her eyes before asking,
"Want one?"

"Yeah just leave it on the plate, I'll eat it later." Hector replied as he began to sip from his cup before Amber said.

"Let me guess you don't want me to see your face."

"Really? What gave that away- *cough cough cough!"

Hector coughed as he took the straw out and activated his gas mask's air crystals. Hector took long staggered breaths that Amber could see him shaking a little as he had a death grip on the table.

Before Amber could say anything he held up a finger as if telling her to hold that thought. He then went to the bathroom where Amber followed suit in case she needed to call Beacon's nurse.

With Hector's back facing towards Amber he lifts his gas mask up just enough to spit out a bit of blood. Putting back down his gas mask Amber looks over his shoulder to see the last thing she expected: blood.

"Oh my brothers, we need to get you to-"

"No!" Hector shouted as he slowly got his breathing under control. Hector then slowly stood straight up again before saying.

"I'm fine... just a bit of blood."

"Just a bit?! Hector you don't cough of blood seemingly out of nowhere!" Amber shouted Hector merely in turn shrugged it off before going to the living room but Amber wasn't done.

This wasn't normal, maybe to him but any regular person it would've meant a trip to the hospital.
"Has this always been normal to you?" Amber asked as Hector sat on the couch. There was a moment of silence before Hector replied,

"...yes... don't want to talk about it."

"A-Alright I won't ask." Amber said solemnly as she went back to the kitchen. She then came to the conclusion that the gas mask wasn't for show but because he actually needed it to breath. However as much as she wanted to ask more about his condition she knew she wouldn't get the answers she was looking for.

A few hours later...

Amber was currently with Hector in the arena not training but rather asking Hector to train with her.





"Just once?"

"Amber I'm gonna shoot you."

"But I'm not going to use you know what."

"It's still no."

"Oh my Brothers! Just listen!" Amber shouted while crossing her arms as Hector sat on the bench.

"I'm unfortunately already doing that." Hector said plainly before Amber smacked his arm.

"How about this: You can go all out while I mostly focus on defense. How about that?"

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