Chapter 23: Again?

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"I knew Ozpin would want me but at this point I'm more than confident that he's got a thing for or some shit." Hector said bringing the barrel closer to Qrow's face.

"Yes Oz is interested in you but not in that way." Qrow responded while slowly reaching for his swords hilt but Hector said,

"Reach for your sword and I'll get to see how many bullets it takes to break through your aura with my revolver."

Qrow then raised his hands up before Hector got up his sniper and aimed it at Qrow before asking,

"Throw your sword to the side... slowly."

Qrow has seen him use that odd looking sniper before and didn't want to test his luck.

Qrow was a veteran Huntsmen who could track bullets coming at him in rapid succession but the bullets The Bounty Hunter used were something completely different from dust. Because whenever he shot he only saw the smoke coming out of the barrel and not the actual bullet.

Qrow then tossed his sword to the side where it stood up with the blade in the ground. Hector then asked while aiming down at Qrow's chest.

"Why does Ozpin want me? Does he want someone dead? If he does then he could've just said that a few months ago."

"Listen kid-"

"I'm not a kid."
Hector said taking a step foward with a stern voice and tightening his grip on his sniper.

To Hector a kid was someone who had a family, a home, people to whom they could fall back on. A kid was someone who had someone to trust in and know that they were not alone. More importantly, a kid didn't have to worry about how they were gonna eat or if they had to have sleep for dinner again. And finally: Loving parents.

"Look... Believe or not me and my sister Raven enrolled at Beacon Academy to learn how to Huntsmen."

"Raven Brawnwen? The Bandit Queen?"

"Yes she and I are actually twins." Qrow replied which Hector said while still aiming his sniper at him.

"Hope you don't mind but she's on my little kill list along with Vernal. But do continue."

Narrowing his eyes at the Bounty Hunter Qrow continued to tell his story.

"Once me and Raven arrived at Beacon we were paired with another two, Tai and Summer.

At first it was... rough considering we came from a bandit tribe where The Strong Live and The Weak Die and Tai and Summer from well... actual good families."

"Doesn't take a genius to see that." Hector interjected before Qrow glared at him.

"Sorry. Continue."

"As I was saying... We had originally planned to just do our time at Beacon, learn to basically become Huntsmen and go back to the tribe and-"

"And your teammates made you see the light." Hector said in a cherry tone.

Hector carried the cherry tone on but as he talked his tone turned to one of being tired as if he's seen something like this before.

"They made you see that there was more to life than just regular... bandit activities one could say? Perhaps they gave a sense of what a real family was?

Please Qrow, you think you're gonna turn me by some story? Unlike you, I'm not so easily convinced and I especially won't just give up my guns and let some drunk telling me what to do.

But before you say,
But Bounty Hunter! There are bad people after you!

I know! I know! You think I didn't think about that beforehand?!"

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