Chapter 42: The Fall of Beacon

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Author's Note: I know I put these at the end but there are a few things I want to say before you start this last chapter. I want to thank each and every one of you for reading my first fanfic I've ever written. I will be taking a break while also going back to fix a few things I may have missed.

Thank you for your patience and enjoy the last chapter.

The final day of the Vytal Tournament was here. Many were excited to see the Invincible Girl go up against the up and coming star from Atlas. Many at home were ready to watch who would come out on top but Remnant being the blissfully unaware world that it was weren't accounting for a third party to join: Grimm.

The recent White Fang attacks, dust being harder and harder to come by the day and the increase of Grimm who were clawing at Vale's walls were just behind the minds of the citizens of Vale, just a push... just a little push was needed to make the kingdom of Vale into a warzone.

And that push was coming closer and closer as many people throughout the kingdom flocked to Amity Colosseum to see the final fight. Currently Amber was in Ozpin in Ozpin's Office while Hector was at Amity Colosseum since Ozpin wanted Hector to find any of Amber's attackers there.

To Hector it was trying to find a needle in a haystack. Despite wearing clothes that would shout "I'm a main character!" Everyone wore some type of bright color which didn't help in the slightest.

Currently Hector was in the security room watching the security cameras with Ironwood which was a bit awkward. Glynda had told him that Hector was not interested in fighting and called it a war with no true winner. Which to a extent Ironwood agreed.

As Ironwood watched the cameras intently he heard the bounty hunter ask,
"So why has Ozpin held off? Is he trying to see Amity Colosseum be a giant firepit?"

He wasn't expecting the bounty hunter to talk to him much since both did have little disagreements here and there.

"To be honest I'm not sure. You gave us the information, who they are, and unsurprisingly offered to kill them but I'm confused as to why Ozpin hasn't done anything." Ironwood replied to which Hector said,

"We could've just slipped in some knock out gas into their dorm, carried them into a secure room and interrogated them for answers but noooo instead we got: Patience."

Hector said the last part mimicking Ozpin's which Ironwood let out a snicker in response.

"You're not wrong but I don't like this. My men still haven't found them yet and the match is about to begin."

"Not to sound like the Bad Guy but if I were to make a terrorist attack I would probably strike during or after the match because that would probably be the time most people would be watching." Hector said which Ironwood gave him a you sound like the villain but you're not wrong look.

"What?" Hector said plainly before Ironwood shook his head and said,

"You're not wrong but coming from you it does sound like something a villain would do."

"What?" Hector replied in a offended voice before Ironwood said,
"You are smart as you are mad."

"What can I say?" Hector replied with a shrug as the match started. As Pyrrha and a ginger girl from Atlas called Penny exchanged blows Hector and Ironwood grew increasingly anxious as they nor Ironwood's soldiers could find any of Cinder's group.

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