Chapter 36: Found the Train to Hell!

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As the sun began to set the group headed to their small camp in the building that was several stories high. The group was taking shifts and it was Ruby's shift while Hector and the rest of the group slept for the night.

Ruby was a few feet away near an opening overlooking the ruined city of Mount Glen. Oobleck was out with his back up against the a wall which Hector could only imagine the back pain in the morning. Nearby was Blake, Yang and Weiss near a small campfire that they made.
Hector was somewhere between Oobleck and the trio laying on a thin mattress he wished he had swapped for a better one.

Before Hector began to sleep he heard Yang say,

"Hey Blake. Are you awake?"


Blake said turning around to look at Yang. Hector was going to tell them to shut up and sleep since they were going to do alot of fighting but decided to listen instead.

"Why do you think Oobleck asked us about being Huntresses. Like... what was he trying to say?" Yang asked which Blake said,

"Maybe he was just curious."

"You think?"


'Oh my God where is the gossip!' Hector thought since there wasn't anything interesting that has happened since they came here.

"Weiss are you awake?"

"Of course I'm awake!" Weiss whispered yelled before adding.
"You two keep talking and I think he... when I said I wanted to honor my family's name I meant it, but it's not what you think."

'I'm getting tired of people drone on about honor and tradition. Like why do I have to be honorable when the guy I'm fighting would put my head on a stick?' Hector thought in response.

"I'm not stupid."

'You're big stupid.' Hector thought which he held back a giggle.

"I'm fully aware of what my father has done to the Schnee Dust Company. Since he took control our business has operated in a... moral grey area."

"That's putting it lightly." Blake said which Hector couldn't help but think,

'Very lightly. I would know.' He also thought about the kids he met in the crater. He wondered if they were okay and if Citrine used the money to fix her inn.

"Which is why I feel the need to make things right." Weiss said sitting up.
"If I had taken a job in Atlas it wouldn't have changed anything."

'Or you could've worked as his personal assistant and before making him sign some papers you could slip in a paper that would transfer the SDC from him to you... I could tell her... nah!' Hector thought waving the thought away.

"My father wasn't the start of our name and I refuse to let him be the end of it." Weiss concluded before laying back down which Blake then began to talk.

"All my life I fought for what I thought was right. I had a partner named Adam."

Hector then used every fiber in his being to not suddenly jump up and say,

'ADAM?! As in Adam fucken Taurus?!'

"More of a mentor actually. He always assured me that what we were doing would make the world a better place. Of course his idea of a 'perfect' future wasn't perfect for everyone."

Blake then looked up at the concrete ceiling and added,

"I joined the academy because Huntsmen and Huntresses were regarded as the world's most noble warriors."

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