Chapter 40: Beacon Days

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Somewhere deep in the Forever Fall Forest Hector and Traya were training with Hector using one of Traya's swords.

Hector was using two swords while Traya used one sword. Hector struck at Traya with basic horizontal and vertical strikes with the occasional leg sweep and use of his air boosters to try and throw her off.

"Good form. Now let's pick up the pace." Traya said now going on the offensive.

Using her one sword she thrusted it foward which Hector used his left sword to strike upward before Traya's sword struck circled back up for a overhead attack which Hector blocked.

Traya then began striking Hector in all directions with him which he began to either dodge or barely block in time as Hector was being pushed back. Using a overhead strike Hector caught the blade with both swords and locked them in a stalemate. Hector then used the air filter in his gas mask to activate his gravity boots to lock into the ground. He then began to slowly head towards Traya.

But then Traya extended her hand out and moved a nearby rock to trip Hector. Tripping over Hector fell foward but then used his air boosters to launch himself up and while holding both blades up he was ready to strike down when suddenly-


Traya moving to the side Hector landed next to her which Traya then said,
"You were wide open for an attack. So consider yourself lucky the bell went off."

Hector simply shrugged in response before which isn't a usual response Traya would get after a quick sparring session. It would usually be a smartass remark or him asking what he did wrong or how was he supposed block or counter... or just him cursing at himself.

But when he was quiet it was because he was either planning his next bounty hunt or there was something else.

"Something on your mind?" Traya asked as he levitated her swords off Hector's hands. Hector then turned to her and said,

"Why hasn't Ozpin done anything to stop them? They are right there! Served in a sliver platter and yet does nothing! What is he waiting for? For them to finally put their plan into action? For them to kill Amber? The Vytal Tournament is almost over. The last battle for the tournament is a literally four days from now! And he does nothing!" Hector shouted at Traya.

Silence filled the woods as Hector realized he yelled at Traya. Immediately apologizing he said,

"S-Sorry Traya I didn't mean to yell-"

"It's alright. I understand." Traya said walking past him.
"That's another reason why I left. Ozpin has all the time in the world... or so he claims."

"What do mean?" Hector asked following her. He followed her through the forest and as they walked Traya said.

"Though knowledgeable and wise he is blind to see that The Witch is about to make her biggest move in decades if not centuries. The drunk is happy to follow along, the general is a dog waiting for Ozpin to let go, and the teacher knows his madness but stays put and quiet about the movements of his pawns. An endless cycle of sacrificing lives to stop Salem and repeating it again and again. A mad cycle but better than the alternative." Traya said to Hector who said.

"Then... how does someone end it?"

Traya sighed before saying,
"Trust me Hector... I've thought that question to myself many times over. And I'm afraid it'll stay that way."

"But... how many more people have to die? What if Vale falls? Where will the people go? How many families will be torn apart?"

Traya stopped walking which Hector stopped aswell looking at his mentor.

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