[SHIP] Blazing Heart Velgrynd

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*Skills & Magic*
{Rimuru & ciel}

In the middle of a war between The Northern Empire and Tempest we see Rimuru inside his imaginary space Comforting a Crying Velgrynd.



"Sigh. This war is not gonna be easy is it"


"Ara I'm surprised that you aren't confident after the Anhilation of 1,000,000 Emperial soldiers"

"If i let my guard down and be overconfident then it's my countries downfall"

"That's good, anyways I'm gonna give you an important information"

Guy said with full seriousness, meanwhile Velzard showed coldness and had bloodlust around her.
Rimuru was surprised but what surprised him was Veldora who entered the room, knowing velzard was inside rather than avoiding her he went in front of her and asked.

"Is this about velgrynd, velzard"

Rimuru and the others in the room besides Velzard and Guy we're surprised, veldora called his sister by her name, and wasn't scared like how he usually is.

"That's right Veldora"

Veldora hearing this was also letting out some of his bloodlust and took a seat beside Rimuru.

"Then this is also a family matter and I'm staying here in this talk"

The Tempest side was dumbfounded while the guy and Velzard knew how much Veldora actually adores both Velzard and velgrynd.
While he Acts scared because of their education, he loves the both of theme nonetheless, they are siblings afterall.

"Then let me start"

Guy said looking straight at Rimuru.

"Rimuru, as you heard this is about Velgrynd, Velzard and Veldora's sister.
You should know there are 4 True Dragon's in total and the first true dragon Veldanava died.
And only Three remain"

"Yes i have heard that from Gazel and Elmisia when i asked about the true dragon's "

Guy nods in acknowledgement.

"Their is a deeper truth behind the third true dragon you see.
Thousands of years ago when Veldanava was still alive he trained a human hero"

Rimuru and the Tempest side beside veldora was listening intently.

"This was the first Human hero and also.... My counter part, The first true Hero Rudra Nam Ul Nasca"

This surprised Them the counter part of guy, wouldn't that mean he is in the same league as him.

"We were equal in the past, if i had to scale his strength it would be around Velgrynds strength which is 3 time's stronger than Veldora in the past"

Rimuru|One Shot/Reaction/Shorts/AU/Ship|TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now