Ben 10 Returns (1)

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The sound of a whistle signals the start of the soccer game. The red team was doing good evading the green team, leading the ball all the way to the goal until he got blocked by two green team members. "Pass it to me! Pass it to me!" His teammate shouts. The boy looks around, seeing himself surrounded by green team members with only 20 seconds to spare. "Come on! I'm open!" His teammate shouts, so the boy kicks the ball over to him. The glasses-wearing boy runs to the goal, where the goalkeeper is ready for him, his green eyes narrowing with determination. With 10 seconds to spare, red team player takes the shot, only for the goalkeeper to catch the ball. The buzzer goes off, and the crowd goes wild cheering for the green team. The goalkeeper's teammates lift him in the air, cheering for him. "All right, Ben!" Way to go!" They shout, and Ben raises the ball in the air.


Once the game was over, Ben knelt beside his bike, taking the chain off. He stands up once it is off and looks down at his medal with a smile, when he looks up, he sees a black-haired female smiling at him. "Oh, um, I wasn't showing off. I mean, I am going to show it to my grandpa. I guess that is sort of showing off." Ben stutters, looking down at his medal and then at the girl who just smiled. "Ben Tennyson. Hi." He introduces himself, takes his glove off, and offers the girl his hand. "Julie. I know who you are." Julie introduces herself, shaking Ben's hand. "Great game." She compliments. "Thanks. I really do have to go, though. See you tomorrow?" Ben asks, taking off his other glove and pulling his bike back. "Okay." She replies, and with that, Ben walks off with his bike. "Bye!" She waves, watching him go. Ben rides through the streets of Bellwood to the trailer park his grandpa lives in.


When he gets there, he parks his bike in the shade, takes off his helmet, and knocks on the door, calling out to his grandpa but receiving no answer. Unbeknownst to him, a man was watching him from the bushes. Ben looks through the window, not seeing any movement, so he decides to go in using a key he found under a fake rock. "Hello? Grandpa?" He calls, walking inside, but is met with silence again. "What happened in here?" He wonders, looking at the discarded clothes and other items. A bang from the bathroom catches his attention, so he walks over to the closed door. He opens it to find it empty, but then an alien appears behind him, scaring him. The alien roars and tentacles shoot out from its chest at Ben, pushing him back.

Ben rolls away and hits his wrist where his watch is supposed to be, but nothing happens. "Oh, man." He groans, remembering it was gone. The alien's tentacles shoot at him again, and he dodges it, crawling away before standing up. The alien sucks its tentacles back into its body and charges at Ben attempting to hit him, but he blocks it was the freezer door. The alien rips the door off and swings its other hand at Ben, who dodges, hiding under a table. The alien rips off the table from its leg and tries attacking Ben, who dodges it. The boy baits the alien with his discarded shoe and taps it on the shoulder. "Peekaboo!" He says, spraying it with a fire extinguisher. The alien jumps out the window and runs away, and Ben drops the fire extinguisher, looking around. 

"That thing was looking for something, grandpa... But what?" He asks. He walks over to the driver's seat and takes a sit, flicking some switches on the console, the motor hums, and the clock pops out of the wall, revealing a plumber's badge. Ben takes the badge and is greeted by a hologram of his grandfather. "Hello, Ben." He greets. "Grandpa! What's--" Ben's cut off by the hologram. "I left this recording where I knew only you would find it. I'm in a bit of a situation, but it's nothing I can't handle-- certainly nothing for you to worry about. There's a renewed alien activity on Earth. I'm investigating." The hologram explains, then disappears before reappearing again. " Oh, don't worry about the Omnitrix, either. I have it, and it's completely safe. They'll never get their hands on it. Say hello to your cousin Gwen and Aria for me. Love you. Max out." The hologram disappears again, but not before a hologram of the alien from earlier flashes. "You've got the Omnitrix?" Ben asks, confused.

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