Pier Pressure

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"I can't believe he did that." Samantha says, shaking her head. "I know right? Why would you ask out some new girl when you have someone who's liked you for what five years?" Maya asks. "That was so uncool." Michelle adds. "Mm-hmm." Aria hums, drinking her smoothie. Aria was at a Mr. Smooty with some friends she made at school. "Honestly, I think you're a way better match than she is." Maya says, trying to comfort the girl. "Clearly, he doesn't think that." Aria shakes her head. "He doesn't know what to think." Sam says. "Maybe he thought you were just teasing." Michelle shrugs. "You guys wanna go shopping?" Michelle suggests. "Sure whatever." Aria agrees. "We could get our hair and nails done too." Maya beams. "Maybe dye our hair, or something." Sam suggests. "All right, let's go." Michelle tells them, walking to her car with them following.


The teens get to the mall and Michelle parks her car, and they get out. "What should we do first?" Aria asks. "We should dye our hair first, then get our nails done, then do some shopping." Sam tells them. "All right, let's go!" Maya cheers, running into the mall. "Maya wait!" Aria chases the girl and their two friends follow. Maya stops in front of the hair salon. "We're here!" She cheers. "Jesus you run fast." Aria says between pants. "Come on!" Maya grabs Aria's arm and pulls her into the store. They enter a cozy, brightly lit salon. A stylist greets the girls and guides them over to a chair. "So, what are you getting?" The stylist asks. "I'm thinking, pink streaks." Aria replies. The stylist looks down at the girl's long hair and sighs, it's gonna be a while.


When the girls were finally done they decided to head to a nail salon. Maya got blue streaks like Aria, Michelle got highlights in her brown hair, and Sam dyed her hair red. "Alright, off to the nail salon!" Maya announces. "Yay!" Aria cheers, unenthusiastically. The girls make their way to the nail salon and get their nails done. Aria has long glittery pink nails. Maya got her nails painted blue. Sam got red nails and Michelle got clear nails with flowers in them. "Nice." Aria smiles looking down at her nails. "Yeah. Now let's go clothes shopping." Sam grabs Aria's arm dragging her to one of the many boutiques they'd visit. Once they were done shopping they decided to have lunch before going home. Aria got a couple of skirts, blouses, and heels wanting to change her style of clothing, but the others kept their items a secret.


Later that night, Aria lays on her bed wearing a tank top and shorts with her hair unbraided. It was relatively quiet with Gwen going to her room to study after having dinner, and her parents were in the living room watching TV. She used umbrakinesis to animate her shadows when her phone rang. She rolls over to grab it and sees Ben's name flashing on the screen. "Ben! If you need any advice on dating, you've called the wrong person." Aria answers the call with false enthusiasm. "No, I didn't call for that. I need your help." He tells her. "Oh? Is Julie not enough help for you?" She asks feeling salty. "Ari, it's aliens you know Julie can't help with that." Ben tells her. "Oh, I see. It better not be DNAliens." She says. "It's not, I promise." He reassures her. "Ok, give me a second." She tells him. "Thank you." He sighs. "Yeah, yeah." She mumbles, hanging up the call. The teen gets off her bed and walks over to her closet to get out a pair of sneakers. She closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath. "Please work." She pleads. A bright pink light surrounds her, and when it fades she is gone.


A bright light appears beside Ben, and when it fades Aria stands there with her eyes closed. She slowly opens her eyes and looks around seeing the pier, and she looks beside her, seeing a Cerebrocrustacean. "I did it? I did it!" She cheers, only to get hit by a jet along with the alien. "Ow." She groans, standing up. "Now, I am most definitely miffed." The Cerebrocrustacean says. "What's the name of this one?" Aria asks. "That would be Brainstorm." He replies. "Your symmetrical features and harmonious proportions are captivating." Brainstorm tells her. "I... thank you." She blushes and looks away. "And your hair is absolutely stunning, adding to your overall charm." He adds, causing Aria to blush harder. Brainstorm, feeling satisfied with himself, turns his attention back to the jet. The top of his head opens up and shoots electricity at the jet but it dodges. "What the deuce?" He asks himself. "That pattern. It must be a Galvanic Mechamorph." Aria observes, she then takes a big sphere of water from the ocean and throws it at the jet. As it got closer she closed her hand and that water turned into ice shards, but the jet dodged it. The jet isn't too happy about this and shoots lasers at the duo, but Brainstorm forms a shield protecting them.

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