In Charm's Way

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The group was at a beach, and Kevin was sitting on the sand looking miserable when a ball hit him on the head. "Hey, can we have our ball back?" The young boy asks. "Sure, kid." Kevin says, popping the ball. "Here you go." He hands them the deflated ball. The boy walks away and the girl sticks out her tongue before leaving as well. "Nice Kevin." Ben tells him, sarcastically, sitting up beside Aria, who is lying on a beach towel wearing a red bikini, soaking in the sun. "What next? Kicking puppies?" Ben asks. "This little outing was your idea. So just lay there and work on your Ben tan." Kevin tells him. "Okay, I'll tan and you lighten up." Ben suggests. "No one's the boss of me, Tennyson. Remember that." Kevin tells him. "Please lighten up, Kevin." Gwen tells him, looking up from the book she was reading. 

"Okay, Gwen." Kevin's personality does a complete 180, making Aria and Ben snort. "What? What are you thinking?" Kevin asks. "We're not thinking anything." Aria says. "I can vouch for that. Hey, anybody wanna get me a bottle of water?" Gwen asks. "Not me." Aria mumbles, lying back down. "Rock, paper, sisscors?" Ben asks, turning to Kevin. They play the game, and Kevin loses. The teens hear screaming and look at the beachgoers, who are fleeing from the water and a rock monster emerging. "Oh dear." Aria sighs and sits up.

The rock monster growls and the teens stare at it in shock. "Rock." Gwen says. The rock monster walks onto the beach, growling. Gwen puts up a shield to block it, but it walks right through. "That's new." Gwen says, throwing mana blasts at it. The rock monster deflects one, and it flies at Kevin, knocking the mask off his face. "Great." He says. "Sorry." Gwen apologizes. Ben transforms into Goop, much to his dismay. "Goop? I wanted Way Big." He says. Kevin's arm hand turns into a hammer, and the stone one turns into a rock, and he charges at the rock monster. He punches it twice before it grabs him and slams him into the ground. Goop flies at it and lands on it, using his acid to melt it, making it stumble back. "Whoa! Check it out! Acid rock!" Goop says. "Ben, move now!" Aria tells him, seeing a portal open behind him. "Come on, Ari, you worry too much!" Goop tells her. "Or just enough." He says, seeing the portal. Goop flies off it, and the rock monster gets sucked into the portal.

"Magic vortex? Nice work, Gwen." Ben compliments his cousin. "Actually, it wasn't Gwen." Aria corrects him, walking up to Kevin. A child walks up to him, and he glares at the child. "What are you looking at?" Kevin asks. "It's okay, I totally get why you busted my beach ball. You're a superhero who's really a monster. Guys like you are always mean." The kid tells him. "I'm giving you five seconds to run, now." Aria threatens, cracking her fingers, and the child runs away. "It's okay." Gwen tells her. "No, it's not." Kevin tells her. "I don't know how to help you." Gwen confesses. "Why is that a surprise? You don't know how to do much of anything." Kevin tells her. "What did you say?" Gwen asks, glaring at him. "I didn't ask you for any help!" Kevin argues and walks past them. "I'm gonna go fix my ID mask." He says.


It was now nighttime, and the Tennysons and Aria sat outside Gwen's house. "This is ridiculous. I should never have listened to you. I should be helping Kevin cope with what's happened to him." Gwen says. "You took advice from Ben?" Aria points at the boy, who was drinking a smoothie. "Huh, figures." She nods. "Hey, I can give good advice!" Ben defends himself. "Sure." Aria looks unimpressed. "Besides, at least he's got no limits on going hero." Ben says. "I have to depend on the Omnitrix, which does what I want maybe half the time. Plus it keeps timing out. Kevin should stop whining about how tough he has it." Ben says, and Aria stares at him, unamused. "He's not whining, Ben. He just has a lot on his mind." Gwen tells him. "And you of all people won't understand." Aria mumbles, looking up at the sky. "Trust me, Gwen. Give him some time on his own, and he'll feel better." Ben tells his cousin. 

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