Darkstar Rising

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The group drives past some factories before stopping in an alley. "Ben, you sure you this is the place?" Kevin asks once they are out of the car. "That's what the tip said." Ben replies. "Yeah, that's what worries me. You don't get tips. I get tips. You got no connections." Kevin tells him. "Come on, Kevin. I got connections." Ben defends himself. "Yeah? Like who?" Kevin asks. "Um-- uh-- like Gwen and Aria." Ben stutters. "It's true. He does know us." Gwen answers, and they walk past Kevin. "Lot of support there, Gwen. Thanks." Ben tells her. "Can't we just go have a look?" Aria asks. Gwen makes platforms so that they can get to the roof. They crouch in front of the glass and see a bunch of knights shipping crates into a truck. "Forever Knights." Kevin says, absorbing stone onto his skin. "Up to no good as usual." Gwen notes. "Showtime." Ben says, switching through the aliens on his watch. "Chromastone!" He shouts, jumping in the air and crashing through the glass and the others follow him. "All right! Nobody move!" Chromastone tells the knights, who just ignore him and continue what they are doing.

"Hey! Did you not hear us?" Kevin asks. "I don't think so." Gwen tells him, walking to one of the knights, and sticks her hand out only for it to go right through it. "Holograms." Chromastone notes. "Good guess." A voice says the holograms flicker before disappearing. "Magister Gilhil of the Plumbers. Magister Prior Gilhil." The man introduces himself, walking over to the team. "I'm the commanding officer of this entire quadrant." Gilhil explains. "You're all under arrest for impersonating officers of the law." He tells them, showing them his badge. "Oh no." Aria sighs, and Chromastone walks up to him and then detransforms. "Under arrest for what?!" Ben asks. "Impersonating a Plumber." Gilhil repeats. "We're the only law-enforcement organization recognized by all signatories in the Milky Way treaty. That makes what you've done interstellar class felony." He explains. "Sound bad." Kevin states. "If I were you, I'd keep my big mouth in check." Gilhil tells Kevin.

"If I were you, I wouldn't threaten a guy who can kick your canon halfway up the street and back." Kevin threatens. "You feeling froggy, son? Then jump." Gilhil taunts. Kevin tries to do something, but Aria puts her arm out in front of him. "Don't make this worse than it already is." She tells the boy. Kevin looks at Gilhil, who smirks at him, and he smirks back. "Ribbit." He says, running at Gilhil. He tries to punch him, but Gilhil catches his hand and twists it, causing Kevin to let out a shout. He then grabs his shirt and throws him into some crates. Kevin tries to get up, but the Magister is already in front of him. "Stay down, son." He advises, but Kevin being Kevin doesn't listen. Instead, he absorbs metal and successfully punches the Magister twice. "As much as I enjoy going a few more rounds with you, I don't have the time." The Magister says, rubbing his jaw and pointing his gun at Kevin. He shoots a grapple at Kevin, which wraps around him and flips him upside down in the air.

Ben activates his watch, and the Magister looks at him. "Don't." He warns. "Do." Aria tells him. Gilhil shoots a grapple at Ben, but Gwen throws a mana disc at it breaking it, and Ben transforms. "Goop!" He shouts and runs to the Magister. He liquidizes and lunges himself at the Magister, forcing him to drop his weapon. He then grabs the Magister's head, and he tries to punch Goop, but his hand goes right through him. Goop wraps around the Magister and throws him. "You wanna talk? Let's talk." Goop says. "That is the most unthreatening voice I've ever heard." Aria tells Gwen.


Everyone was now on the roof. "I don't see why we gotta talk to him." Kevin breaks the silence. "Because I'm the Plumber officer in charge and this whole section of space." The Magister tells him. "Then, you know we're the good guys." Ben says. "What I know is over the last couple of months, I've got several reports of you kids passing yourselves off as Plumbers." Gilhil informs. "Our grandfather was a Plumber." Gwen tells him. "Max Tennyson. He was a good man. But that doesn't make you Plumbers." He tells the Tennysons. "And you. You both don't even have a claim by blood." He tells Aria and Kevin. "Yes, I do. My father-- my real father-- was..." Kevin stops himself from saying anything more. "Kevin?" Gwen calls. "Nothing. Nevermind." Kevin turns away from her. "And you?" Gilhil asks Aria. "Max Tennyson is my adoptive grandfather." She replies. "The point is, there's a reason we shut down Plumber operations on Earth five years ago. After Vilgax was destroyed--" "You mean after I destroyed him." Ben cuts him off. "Credit due. Earth is a backwater level-2 Planet. Without an imminent threat, I cannot allow Plumbers' resources to be wasted here. I've got over 300 inhabited planets under my watch." Gilhil informs.

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