Everybody Talks About The Weather

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Ben, Gwen, Aria, and Kevin were in the latter's car, who was driving slowly. "Can't this thing go any faster?" Ben asks. "Yes." Kevin replies, but he doesn't accelerate. "We're still going the same speed." Ben points out. "It's called the speed limit. Fastest we're going tonight." Kevin tells him. "But you said--" "I said 'could' not 'would.'" Kevin cuts him off. "My mom's going to kill me if I'm late getting home again." Ben stresses. "Huh. If she grounds you, it'll be just me and Gwen." Kevin says. "And Aria." Said teen adds. "Like you'd go anywhere Ben's not." Kevin tells her. "If Gwen's there then yes, I would." Aria tells him. "You think I'd go with you if Ben wasn't here?" Gwen asks. "Yeah. It got roguish charm." Kevin says and his Plumber's badge starts beeping. "Ooh, phone for Mr. Roguish Charm. Think it's an admirer?" Aria asks. "I don't have a cell." Kevin says. Aria reaches into his pocket and pulls out the badge.

 "It's your Pumber's badge." Gwen says. "What's it doing?" Aria asks. "Don't know. New to me." Kevin replies. Aria looks down at the badge, and a map appears. "Whoa." She gasps. "It's some kind of map." Ben leans closer to Aria to have a look. "I bet it's a GPS for badges." He adds. "So why is one of them flashing?" Kevin asks. "Maybe they need help?" Aria replies. "It's gotta be a message from Grandpa Max. He's telling us where he is." Ben claims. "You think?" Gwen asks. "Okay, that's worth breaking some traffic laws." Kevin speeds up and swerves onto the road leading to Grover's Mill.


They get to a building with the sign 'ICE' so it must've been an ice storage place. "Grandpa Max is here?" Gwen asks. "The blinking light on the map is here." Kevin replies, looking down at the badge. "Guess we'll find out the rest soon enough." He adds. "He's inside the building. Come on." Ben says, walking forward. "Let me dump the jacket first. It must be 90 degrees." Kevin walks over to his car to put the jacket on the seat, and Aria and Gwen walk over to the building. "Hey, guys!" Gwen calls. The boys come over and see a giant hole in the side of the building. "What do you make of this?" She asks. "Big hole?" Kevin asks. "Yes, Kevin, big hole." Aria nods. "We should check it out." Aria says, using energy steps to get inside. "Hello? Anybody here?" Ben calls but receives no answer. He hears beeping and walks further into the room, and picks up a Plumber's badge. "Found what we were tracking." Ben holds it up for them to see. 

"You think it belongs to grandpa?" Gwen asks. "If it does, he's out there somewhere, going after whatever made this hole." Ben claims. "I'm picking up a faint trace of energy." Aria suddenly says, walking further into the room. "You can sense that?" Gwen asks. "Yeah." Aria replies. "Do you know who it came from?" Ben asks. "No but it was in there," She points to a closed door. "then it came out here and then through there." She points to the hole. "So I'm guessing it made the hole." She finishes. "Can you find out where they went?" Gwen asks. "Yes." Aria walks over to the hole. "In there." She points to the cornfield. "And there are many others. We should find what made this." Aria says, jumping out of the hole and running to the cornfield with the others close behind.


"Over there!" Aria points to where a fire was a second ago and runs to it. When they get there they see a Pyronite trying to touch an officer. "Oh no, you don't." Aria puts up an energy wall between them, scaring the Pyronite. "Guy looks like Heatblast." Kevin says. "Pyronite." Aria states. "Huh?" The three of them look at her. "Heatblast's race. They're called Pyronites from the planet Pyros, why's he here?" She wonders. "Want me to kick his butt for you? It'll be like old times." Kevin asks. "Thanks anyway." Ben transforms into an Aerophibian. "Jetray!" He says, soaring through the sky. "Stay away from me!" Pyronite says in fear, shooting fire at them. Gwen puts up a shield and Jetray tackles the Pyronite and the Pyronite flips them so that he's on top. "Hey, get off me!" Jetray tells him, the Pyronite obliges and flies through the cornfield, and Jetray follows. "He looks scared." Aria points out. "Maybe he wants to go home?" Gwen theorizes. "Maybe." Aria mumbles and follows Kevin, who is going back to his car. Once they get back in the car Kevin drives to where the explosion occurred. 

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