Busy Box

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Kevin drove the team through Bellwood, searching for alien tech. "Anything?" Ben asks. "Nope. Not yet, but the scanner detected level 20 technology somewhere near here." Kevin replies. "Level 20?" Gwen questions. "But the only level 20 technology in the whole galaxy is..." "The Omnitrix." Ben cuts Aria off. "Maybe you found a spare." He tells Kevin. "Actually, whatever we're detecting is level 20+. The scale on this thing doesn't go any higher." Kevin shares. "Aw this is stupid, we've been driving around all night." Ben says. "Now before you go on to give up pull over there's something I wanna try." Aria tells Kevin. Kevin pulls over and they all exit the car. "What are you gonna do?" Ben asks. "Quiet." Aria tells him, closing her eyes. "Okay, alien tech send me your energy waves." She mumbles. Aria feels the energy waves and walks ahead. "Follow me."


The group got to an alleyway where a bright green light was flashing. They walked into the alley and found a cube. "So, what is it?" Gwen asks. "Beats me. Kevin?" Ben asks the boy. "I don't know. Ari?" Kevin looks at the girl. "No clue." Aria replies. "Really? You two always know." Ben tells them. "It's not like any alien tech I've ever seen." Kevin tells Ben. "I can try to figure out what it is from its energy but that'll take a while." Lia tells her boyfriend. Ben walks over to the cube and kneels in front of it. "Careful Ben." Aria warns him. "Two words that contradict each other." Kevin states. "You mean it's an oxymoron." Gwen corrects him. "Some kind of moron." Kevin smirks. Ben looks at Kevin, not amused by his joke. "Haha!" He fakes laughs and touches the cube.

The cube glows brighter and levitates. It then takes the shape of Ben, with glowing green eyes. "I think we should get back in the car." Kevin suggests. "And run away?" Ben asks. "And run it over." Kevin clarifies. "Run away." The robot Ben says. "Whoa!" Ben gasps "Whoa." Robot Ben imitates the real Ben. "What are you? Where did you come from?" Ben asks, taking cautious steps closer. "What are you? Where did you come from?" Robot Ben repeats. "Cut it out!" Ben tells it, leaning closer. "Cut it out!" Robot Ben repeats his words and actions. "I don't sound like that." Ben says. "I don't sound like that!" Robot Ben says. "You do." Aria tells him, walking over with Gwen and Kevin. "Huh? I bet people would put up some serious cash for a robot version of themselves." Kevin says, leaning close to it. It takes the shape of Kevin with glowing green eyes.

"Cool." Kevin says and walks over to it. "What do you say we load this handsome devil into the car, take him home, and see what makes him tick." Kevin suggests. The robot Kevin repeats what the real Kevin said angering him. "Okay. It's getting a little annoying." Kevin tells it. Robot Kevin also repeats that. "Knock it off." Kevin says, irritated, and grabs its face. "Knock it off." It tells him and shoves him away. Kevin gets up and he flickers. "Great. You broke my ID mask." He tells it, removing the mask. The robot imitates Kevin's hybrid form and repeats his words right back at him. "Okay, it's getting annoying now." Aria says. "No problem. I'll just..." Ben activates his watch but is cut off by the robot imitating him again. "Okay, it's hero time!" Ben slams his hand on his watch and transforms into Humungousaur. "Humungousaur!" He shouts. The robot copies Ben's actions and transforms into Humungousaur.

"Humungousaur!" Robot Humungousaur shouts. Irritated, Humungousaur charges at his clone and lands a few hits on him before it catches his punch and punches him. Gwen, Aria, and Kevin move out of the way as Humungousaur falls back. The clone tries slamming a dumpster onto Humungousaur but the original rolls out of the way. He gets onto his feet and continues punching the clone. Fake Humungousaur grabs Humungousaur's arm and throws him over by the car. Kevin sighs when Humungousaur doesn't land on his car, but gasps when his feet hit the car. "Sorry." Humungousaur groans and detransforms. "All right! That's it!" Kevin charges at the fake Humungousaur and breaks it with his hammer hand. "Nice shot, Kevin." Gwen tells him. "Thanks. Guess they don't make annoying imitating robots like they used to." Kevin says.

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