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Ben and Kevin are inside the latter's car, following Gwen, who's tracking an alien with a destroyed traffic light with Aria flying beside her. "I'm definitely getting something. The mana trail is getting stronger and stronger." Gwen informs. "You said that like two hours ago, Gwen." Kevin reminds her. "I'm trying to concentrate, Kevin." She tells him. "Let her work." Ben tells the boy. "For what? It's a wild goose chase." Kevin points out. "For you." Aria says from outside his window. "There's been lots of monster sightings around here." She points out. "Doesn't mean it's the DNAliens. It could be a bear that escaped from the zoo." Kevin says. "No reports of missing animals from any zoo in the entire state." Gwen shares. "It must be a DNAlien. What else is strong enough to tear down a traffic light?" Ben asks. "Why would a DNAlien tear down a traffic light?" Aria asks. "I don't know, but--" "Hold up, guys! Got something for sure." Gwen says, and Kevin stops the car. "It's close." She adds, standing up and letting the traffic light fall. "Over there." She looks to where rumbling is heard.

The group looks to where Gwen is looking and sees an alien who spits out a cactus and digs through the wagon before pulling something out. "Drop it!" Ben tells it, running towards it with Kevin. The alien throws the device at the boys, who jump out of the way to dodge it. "To be fair, you did tell him to drop it." Kevin says. The alien walks past them and picks up the device, smiling at it and rubbing it against his face. "He's not very DNAlieny, is he?" Ben asks. "That looks like Highbreed tech, though, so maybe he's working for them." Kevin claims. "What's he trying to build with all that stuff?" Ben asks, walking towards the cart. He goes through the stuff, causing them to rattle, and the alien runs to him and tries hitting him with the tech, but Ben dodges. "We don't want to have to hurt you. Drop the weapon and give yourself up." Ben says, putting his hand over his watch. "You'll have to read him his rights first, Tennyson." Kevin says, absorbing a rock. "Just take him out!" Kevin punches the alien in the face. He goes to hit it again, but the alien knocks him to the side. Ben transforms into Humungousaur, scaring the alien, who steps back.

It then growls and grabs Humungousaur's waist, pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. "Aw. I think he loves you." Kevin coos. "So not funny!" Humungousaur says and smacks the alien's head with both hands. It steps away from him, holding its head, and Humungousuar punches it, sending it flying back. The alien starts crying and holding its head. "Oh, come on. I didn't hit you that hard." Humungousaur tells it. The alien sees a piece of crystal and picks it up. "He's going for a weapon!" Kevin shouts, and Humungousaur charges at him. "Not much of an attention span, do you?" Humungousaur asks, smacking the crystal out of its hand. The alien shoves Humungousaur, Kevin punches it, and it runs to the road. "He's getting away!" Humungousaur chases it. The alien rips part of the road barrier, and Humungousaur tries to punch it, but it dodges and wraps the barrier around him, trapping him. Humungousaur grows and breaks out of the barrier, scaring the alien, and it runs away from him.

Mana barriers land in front of the alien, stopping it. "Leave you guys alone for five minutes!" Gwen yells at Humungousaur from a platform. It tries to run the other way, but Gwen blocks its path with more barriers. Gwen lowers herself, Humungousaur shrinks, Kevin walks over, and Aria stares at the alien with a raised eyebrow. The alien stares at the two girls and sees them differently than how they look and grunts happily. "Is that monster for 'I give up'?" Kevin asks. "Do I look like I speak monsterese?" Humungousaur asks him. Kevin stares at Humungousaur, making him realize something. "Oh, right." He says. "It's calming down." Gwen says. "Cute little guy." Aria coos, placing a hand on the barrier. "He's stopped fighting." Aria looks at Gwen. The alien punches the barrier and grabs both girls, causing them to gasp. "Gwen! Ari!" Kevin calls. The girls struggle to get out but the alien's hold on too strong. "Put them down!" Kevin tries to charge at the alien but Humungousaur stops him. "Don't move! It'll squoosh them." Humungousaur tells him. "I don't want to be squooshed!" Gwen shouts. "Yeah, so stay back!" Aria tells him. "We gotta do something!" Kevin says.

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