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Gwen and Kevin sat/leaned against the car enjoying a smoothie, and Aria sat on the hood with a spellbook while Ben was walking Ship. "Down, boy." Ben tells Ship, who was jumping about. "There you guys are." Ben runs over to his friends. "I've been looking for you all morning." He tells them. "We know. We got the 50 messages you left." Gwen replies. "It wasn't 50 messages." Ben denies. "It was 50 each." Kevin tells him. "So that's 150 messages." Aria mumbles, not looking away from the spellbook. "Anyway, I need you guys for a mission. It's off planet." Ben tells them. "Aria and I have taekwondo practice tonight, Ben. Sorry." Gwen tells him. "Kevin?" Ben looks at the boy. "Yeah, no." Kevin declines. "Seriously?" Ben asks. "We don't mind helping out, but we do have lives." Gwen reminds him. "I can help." Aria speaks up, closing the book. "Really?" Ben looks at her, hopeful. "Yeah, I can miss practice for one day." Aria shrugs. "Thanks." Ben tells her and pulls out a holoviewer. 

"Since you two won't change your mind maybe this will." A hologram of a little girl shows up. "It was teleported in my room this morning." Ben shares. "Dear Mr. Ben 10, my name is Probity. My mom and dad told me all about how you saved the universe from the Highbreed." Probity says. "So you get fan mail, what's the big deal--" "Shh! You'll miss the important part." Ben hushes Kevin. "I hate war. Do you hate war, too? Cause if you do, I want to know if you would come here and stop everybody from fighting. Anyway, even if you can't, I think you're great. Thank you." Probity says, and the hologram disappears. "So, there you go." Ben tells them. "There you go, what?" Gwen asks. "Don't you get it? He wants us to go to some other planet and end their war." Kevin points out. "No, he couldn't mean... You can't mean..." Gwen looks at her cousin. "Uh-huh." Ben agrees. "Not that I'm even considering it, but how do you plan to stop a war?" Kevin asks. "Simple." Ben replies.


The team was now inside Ship, flying to the planet. "I can't believe we're doing this." Kevin says. "Everybody hates war, but nobody ever does anything about it." Kevin points out. "Maybe that's because there's never been anybody like me before." Ben replies. "Oh, right. The great Ben 10 is gonna solve everything in one weekend." Kevin says sarcastically. "It's a three-day weekend." Ben reminds him. "I like that Ben cares enough to come all this way to help. You could use a little of that yourself, Kevin." Gwen tells him. "More like a lot." Aria comments. "War's like eating or sleeping, Gwen. It's part of human nature." Kevin tells the redhead. "Wrong!" Aria tells him. "I think I know a little more about human nature than you do." Kevin tells her. "Yeah, you know about human nature. These aren't humans." Aria tells him and sticks her tongue out at him. "Really?" Gwen asks and teases her.

 "Shut up!" Aria says, and Ship beeps. "We're approaching the planet." Gwen informs. The teens through the windshield and see a giant yellow planet. "Is that a big dotted line across the planet?" Ben asks as he and Aria stand beside Gwen and Kevin, who are sitting.

 "Yup." Kevin answers. "The definitely calls for a closer look." Gwen tells him and begins typing away. "Ship, lower." Ben tells the mechamorph, who honks and lowers itself into the planet's atmosphere, flying alongside the vehicle that's placing the line across the planet. "Well now we know where the dots came from but--" Gwen's cut off by a blue explosion close to Ship. On the ground were some blue people shooting at the spaceship. "What are they shooting at us for?" Ben asks after he and Aria return to their seats. "The fence is most likely a border, so they think we're the enemy." Aria explains. "Ship!" The mechamorph says, and dodges the rockets. "Good boy. No shooting back." Ben tells it. "What?" Kevin asks. "Ship!" Ship continues dodging the rockets. 

"Okay, I vote we turn around and head home. Gwen and Aria could still make karate practice, and as a bonus, I don't have to get shot at." Kevin says. "Except we'll be throwing away a little girl's hope for a world without war." Ben reminds him. "Life is full of disappointment. What is she, 5? Past time she learned." Kevin says. The Tennysons stare at each other only to get interrupted by a red explosion. Now, people in red were shooting rockets at them. "Land us, Ship. I'll distract them." Ben says from beside the open door. "Need my help?" Aria asks. "Sure." Ben nods, and Aria walks over to him. They jump out, Ben transforms into Jetray, and they fly down to the people while dodging the rockets. "Hold it! Any of you ever heard of..." They land on a tank and Jetray detransforms. "Ben 10?" Ben asks, putting his hands on his hips and looking off into the distance. The red people talk amongst themselves and turn to Ben. "That's right. Ben 10." Ben boasts. "And someone even better." Aria walks forward and flips her hair over her shoulder. 

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