Don't Fear the Repo

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The gang, including Julie and Ship, are in Kevin's garage with Aria reading the paper Ben gave her. "Just a bunch of alien mumbo jumbo." Ben waves it off. "Wrong. It's legit." Aria tells him, and he stares at her. "I was taught how to read in other alien languages." Aria says, raising an eyebrow. "So the Vreedle brothers do have the right to repossess Ship?" Gwen asks, and Ship honks. "We're not going to let them take you." Julie reassures him. "Somebody could use him as a weapon." Ben says. "And you don't want Julie to lose her pet either, right Ben?" Gwen adds. "Oh, sure that, too." Ben corrects himself, and Julie glares at him. "That sounded sincere." She says. "Shouldn't have an alien pet." Aria shrugs, bringing a spellbook towards her. 

"I say we go right to the source and straighten this whole thing out." Kevin suggests. "You can't really read that." Gwen tells the boy, who now has the paper. "The High Court's on the planet, Coda Coda, it's kinda far." Kevin tells them. "That's okay. Ship can fly us there." Ben tells him. "No, you'll be taking him to-- whoever's after him!" Julie declines. "How else are we supposed to get into outer space?" Ben asks, glaring at her. "Chill people, I've got this." Kevin tells them.


The girls are now at Mr. Smoothy. "Thanks for staying to guard Ship." Julie tells them. "Ship can take care of himself." Aria waves her off. "I know, but I told him to hold back. I didn't want those repo men to see what he could really do." Julie says. "Smart." Gwen replies. "Do you think Ben really cares what happens to Ship?" Julie asks, slurping her smoothie, and Ship honks. "Of course he does. You heard him. Ship's a powerful weapon." Gwen tells her. "But what if he wasn't powerful? What if he was just a regular dog or something? My dog?" Julie asks. "Ben will care either way." Aria tells her. "How do you know that?" Gwen asks with a smirk. "Because I've known him for five years. Besides, I'd know how my boy-- I mean how Ben would do things." Aria blushes and looks down at her smoothie. "Boyfriend, huh?" Gwen teases. "Boyfriend?" Julie asks, confused. "Yeah, Ben and Aria went on a date before the Highbreeds invaded, and they even kissed." Gwen recalls nudging Aria, who blushed even harder. "Oh." Julie looks down with a sad expression. "What's with you and Kevin?" Aria asks, trying to change the subject.

"Kevin? If it isn't about his car-- excuse me, 'his ride' or some alien tech, he's pretty much oblivious." Gwen replies. "So it's complicated." Aria tells Gwen, and they stand up. "Guys." Gwen sighs, and they go get a refill only for the repo men to land behind them. "We'll be taking that there, Galvanic Mechamorph, now, and a couple of smoothies to go." The skinny one says, walking up to the girls with his brother following with a gun. Gwen shoots a mana beam at them, knocking them back into their ride. "She has painfully set us on our backsides, boy." The skinny one says, and the bigger one hums in agreement. She most certainly needs an aggressive blowing up." He replies. Aria wraps energy around them and lifts them off the ground. They struggle, and the bigger one shoots a laser at them, which Gwen blocks with a dome. Once the laser is turned off, Aria drops them to the ground. 

Ship jumps off Julie and turns into a gun preparing to fire at them. "Don't do it, Ship!" Aria tells it, and it reverts back. Gwen steps in front of Aria to protect her from an attack, but the laser breaks her dome sending her flying back and taking Aria with her. The repo men approach Julie and Ship, who jump into his owner's arms. "Hold it right there." The skinny one says. "Julie!" Gwen calls. "Now I'm gonna ask you again nicely. Everybody back away from the blob." The skinny one tells them, and his brother takes a few steps back. "Not you." He tells his brother. Ship panics and wraps itself around Julie, making her scream. "Julie?" Aria calls with a concerned look. Aria and Gwen walk over to the girl, who now wears a suit Ship made. Julie stumbles back and looks at her hands. "This is weird." She comments. "But cool." Aria tells her with a grin. Julie smiles back at Aria, looks at the Vreedle brothers, and starts shooting at them, making them take shelter behind a minivan.

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