Max Out

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The group is at a carwash, and Ben is asking Kevin to take them to Santa Mira. "Uh... no! Or let me put it another way-- no." Kevin declines, wiping his car. "Come on, Kevin, he's my cousin. He was supposed to be home from college two days ago." Ben informs. "And you want me to waste my time, driving my car, looking for your cousin?" Kevin asks. "I know how it sounds. The police said to wait. I'm sure his fine. We just don't know where he is." Ben tries to reason. "Daytona Beach or Fort Lauderdale. He's a college student." Kevin tells him. "No. He called from the road and said his car broke down in some town called Santa Mira. We haven't heard anything since. His folks are worried." Ben explains. "And I'm supposed to care why?" Kevin asks. "Because he's my brother." Gwen chimes in, holding her arm and looking sad. "Get in." Kevin motions to the car and they do.


"You're really sweet to do this, Kevin. Ken is--" "What?" Kevin cuts her off laughing. "'Ken'? Your brother's name is 'Ken'? Gwen and Ken Tennyson. What's your folks' names-- Sven and Jen? I'm talking to you, Ben." He jokes. "Yes, our names rhyme, and you noticed. Good for you." Ben replies unamused. "Just having some fun, man. I don't see what the big deal is." Kevin plays it off. "Can you joke about their names after we found him?" Aria asks, crossing her arms over her chest. "Ken took Ben to his first soccer game. When his band played, he snuck me and my friends backstage. He even taught Aria how to play the guitar. Ken's the coolest guy in the world." Gwen shares, making Kevin feel bad. "Welcome to Santa Mira." Ben speaks up. "For a guy who's so cool, he sure picked a lame spot for spring break." Kevin says.

 "Ken is totally cool. He didn't pick where the Awesome-mobile broke down." Gwen defends her brother. "Awesome-mobile. Pfft, no wonder it broke down." Aria jokes. "Don't act like you didn't have a crush on him when we were ten." Gwen outs her. "Wha?" Aria glares at her while Kevin laughs. "Not cool." She tells the girl. "I say we hit the garages in town-- find Ken's car, find Ken." Ben suggests. "Good idea. I mean, how many garages can this hole support?" Kevin agrees. "Don't jinx it." Aria tells him.


"Five-- five garages. One horse town-- five garages?" Kevin asks. "I'm wet." Aria complains. "Five garages so far. And if the Awesome-mobile isn't in this one, we'll have to keep-- bingo." Ben says, looking through the window. "Found it?" Aria asks, walking over to the window and peering in with Kevin. "That's the awesome-mobile?" Kevin asks. "Is that tape on the bumper?" Aria asks. "That thing makes the Rust Bucket look like a Ferrari." Kevin jokes, walking to the door. "They've already locked up for the night." Gwen notes. Kevin charges at the door and busts it open. "Kevin?" Gwen questions, walking over to the open door. "Don't worry-- Ken is so cool, he'll be happy to pay for that." Kevin says. "Being cool doesn't make you rich." Aria comments, walking inside the garage with Gwen. The group inspects the car, and Gwen pulls the blanket from the back seat, revealing dirty clothes. 

"Ah, dirty laundry for mom to wash. This guy really is a class act." Kevin comments, and Aria cringes. "There must be a clue in here to help us find Ken." Gwen says, searching the car. "What, like maybe he left a note?" Kevin asks. Aria looks around the garage while Ben looks through a book he found. "Well. What do we have here?" Kevin asks, opening the hood of the car and taking out some alien tech. "What is it?" Ben asks as he, Aria, and Gwen walk over. "The only thing in here not covered in rust. It's alien tech-- projects a field that dampens internal combustion." Kevin explains. "His car was sabotaged. Why? Ken's..." "Too cool?" Kevin cuts Gwen off. "Too normal. He doesn't know anything about the aliens. Why would they go after him?" Ben wonders. "Wonder when they did this. It's wired directly into the--" "Gross!" Gwen shouts, pulling her hand away after having touched some slimy substance. 

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