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Aria and Gwen were in Ben's room with the redhead going through her cousin's closet and the white-haired girl lying on Ben's bed with her arms crossed under her head. "Ugh!" Gwen groans, throwing a sock to the side. "Tell me about this message already, Gwen. I've got homework." Ben tells his cousin. "Let's just wait for Kevin. Then I don't have to tell it twice." The redhead replies, still going through the closet. "Was it an e-mail? Just let me read it." Ben urges. "You can't read something that came from an energy field." Aria tells him. "Oh, look! A dollhouse." Gwen says, holding a wrestling ring with action figures in it. Ben runs over to his cousin, and Aria walks over. "It's not a dollhouse!" He tells her. "It's a Sumo Slammers' battle ring!" He adds, and Aria stands beside Gwen. "With dolls." Aria comments. "They're action figures." Ben corrects. "They're not dolls. They're collectibles." He adds. "They look like dolls to me." Gwen says, standing up, but then she and Aria groan, and Gwen drops the battle ring.

"You both okay?" Ben asks. "Why me?" Aria asks, rubbing her head and opening her eyes, which glowed pink. "Something coming in," Gwen says, her eyes glowing pink. A hologram appears in Ben's room, and Helen's face comes through. "Can you hear me, Gwen?" She asks. "Did you find Ben? We need help!" Helen says. "Helen?" Ben questions and Keivn walks into the room. "Holograms? It's never like I come over, and you're just playing video games or something." Kevin says, closing the door behind him and standing beside Gwen. "I can't hear you." Helen says. "Helen, I'm right here!" Ben tells her. "You guys, if you're getting this message, it's important. Please help us!" Helen says. "Hard to focus... Can't keep connection." Gwen says. "There is terrible danger. We need help desperately. It's a matter of life and death! Please!" Helen pleads. Gwen groans and the hologram disappears. "You okay?" Kevin asks, holding her up. Aria blinks and her eyes go back to normal. "Yeah. Anyway, I'm doing better than those Plumber kids." Gwen replies.

"What did they expect, going into the Null Void? Not like we didn't warn them." Kevin shrugs. "We have to go get them out." Gwen tells them. "You're not going in there. I've been there it's--" "I can handle it." Gwen argues. "No, you can't. There's too much riding on us being here." Ben tells his cousin. "You heard her. They need help." Gwen says. "Which is why I'll go with him." Aria chimes in. "No, you're staying here. I'll deal with it." Ben tells her. "I'm more than capable of dealing with it." Aria argues. "Besides, you'll need the backup."


The teens were now in a garage, and Ben was putting on a jetpack. "Last time I went into the Null Void, I didn't need all this junk." Ben comments, yanking on the jetpack. "Last time, you had a motor him full of cool, state-of-the-art Plumber gear." Kevin reminds. "Which you sold." Ben tells him. "The point is, it's gonna be tricky to get you out. Even if I'm able to temporarily whip a doorway into the Null Void, this cable's the only thing connecting you to--" "It's not a cable. The Plumber snake is an unbreakable, pandimensional retrieval system worth much dinero, which you are very lucky I have." Kevin corrects. "Cable, retrieval system, whatever, we need to go in there, right now." Aria tells them, connecting the cable to Ben's jetpack. Gwen's eyes glowed, and a portal opened up. "I retraced the energy path from Helen's message. Hopefully, it will lead you to her location, but I don't know how long I can keep this open." Gwen tells them. Aria looks at Ben and nods, and the boy powers on his jetpack, and they fly through the portal.

They fly for a while before stopping and taking in the place. The entire dimension was red, with floating rocks everywhere. "Pocket dimension?" Ben questions. "That's a big pocket." "Yeah." Aria agrees, looking around the place while Ben looks at the portal which is closed. "Where do we start?" As soon as she asked that, screams could be heard. "There!" Ben says, watching an alien get taken away by some kind of creature. "Help us! Assist me! Help us!" The alien shouts. "We're coming!" Aria tells him, grabbing Ben's hand and flying towards them. Ben wraps the cord around a floating rock and throws it at the creature which drops the alien now turning its attention onto the teens. "Uh-oh." Aria mumbles. The creature shoots lasers at the teens and Aria blocks it with a shield and leads Ben around. "This would be a lot easier without the leash!" Ben shouts. "I know!" Aria replies, flying between two rocks. Once she sees the alien between the rocks she uses her energy to smash the rocks together crushing it and they fly back to the alien.

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