Save the Last Dance

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Summer dance outfit

Summer dance outfit

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Two teens were speeding down the street, scared. "Slow down!" The passenger tells his friend. "I can't, the brakes don't work." The driver tells him, panicked. He narrowly misses a car, and his friend screams. "You're making me nervous. Stop screaming!" He tells him. "You're screaming, why can't I scream?" The passenger asks. "Fine, you wanna try it?" The driver asks, and they both scream. Ben, who was riding his bike, almost got hit by the car. "Stupid drivers!" He shouts. "That's no joyride." He says, seeing the car hit another and continue driving. He gets off his bike and transforms. "Big Chill." He flies after the car, which is now on a bridge. The driver, in a panic, rams the car off a bridge so that he doesn't hit a truck. Big Chill dives into the water and comes back up, creating an ice slide, and turns invisible phasing through the car. He then grabs the back of the car and pulls it so that it can stop.

The teens get out of the car and stare at Big Chill. "What is that thing?" The driver asks. "Who cares? He saved our lives." His friend replies. "Thank you." He walks over to Big Chill, who wraps his wings around himself and starts eating the car. "Hey! What do you think you're--" The driver stops when Big Chill turns to him and snarls.


Aria, Samantha, Maya, and Michelle walk out of the school towards Michelle's car. "So, Aria, are you gonna ask Ben to the dance?" Maya asks. "Isn't he dating Julie?" Sam asks. "No, he told me they were just friends." Aria replies, getting into the backseat of the car along with Maya. "Then ask him." Michelle encourages. "It'll be good for both of you." Sam adds. "I will. Don't know if he's gonna be busy, though." She agrees. "It won't hurt to try." Maya urges. "I guess so." Aria agrees. "Anywho, take me to Kevin's house." She tells Michelle. "Okay." The girl replies.


"Bye!" Aria waves at her friends after they dropped her off. "Hmm." She sighs and looks down at the card in her hands. She looks back up and sees Ben walking out of the garage behind Kevin. The tall boy ruffles her hair as he walks past, and Aria grabs Ben's hand, pulling him back into the garage. "What's up?" He asks. "Uh, so my school's having a dance..." She trails off, looking to the side and playing with her hair. "Uh-huh?" Ben hums, confused. "And I was wondering if you would... like to go with me." She says the last part softly so he doesn't properly hear. "Huh?" He looks even more confused. "Would you..." She points to him. "like to go to my school's... dance with me?" She asks, pointing to herself. "Sure." Ben agrees. "Great! Be there by... seven?" She asks. "That sounds good." Ben nods. "Thanks!" Aria smiles widely and kisses him on the cheek, before leaving the garage. "I gotta tell the girls about this."

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