Plumbers' Helpers

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The group arrives at a sewer plant, trying to find something. "Are you sure you know where you're going, Sherlock?" Kevin asks. "For once, can you close your mouth and open your eyes? Just follow the footprints." Ben replies. "Can you two be quiet? There could be a guard or something." Gwen tells them. "I don't sense a guard. However..." Aria trails off. "What?" Gwen asks. "Nothing, maybe it's just me learning how to use my powers again." Aria waves her off. "I swear that alien ran in here." Ben tells them. "Well, there's no sign of them now." Gwen points out. "Ooh. Check this out." Kevin picks up something from the ground. "New toy for my collection." He says, showing the group the gun. Seeing as they were unable to find the alien, they decided to leave.


The group was in Kevin's car arguing when he decided to stop at a red light. A truck comes around the corner and somehow loses control, knocking a gas pump down before crashing against a wall. The teens get out of the car to see what happened. "If that tank goes up we're talking about a major bonfire." Ben tells them. "I got the driver!" Kevin informs, running to the truck. "And I got the truck. Gwen, Ari give us cover." Ben instructs. "On it!" Aria replies. "Guess the Gwen and Aria team's back in action, huh?" Aria asks. "Yes, we are." Gwen agrees. Aria and Gwen used their energy and mana to lift the roads so that the civilians couldn't see what was happening. "How come I always get the easy jobs?" Kevin asks, absorbing the metal from the truck. He rips the door off and pulls the driver out. The gas spill reaches the truck, which has sparks coming off it and catches fire. Kevin lays the driver on the road and absorbs the asphalt from the road to protect the driver as an explosion occurs behind him.

"Your turn." He tells Ben, who was leaning on the car. He transforms into Big Chill and freezes the gas station, extinguishing the flames. Seeing as it was safe Kevin removed the asphalt protecting the man. "Hey, freak!" A Tetramand calls. "Catch!" He shouts, throwing Kevin's car at him. "Not my ride!" Kevin whines only to get hit by the car. "Kevin!" Gwen calls trying to run to him only to get circled by a Kineceleran, which creates a tornado, pushing the girl in the air. The Kineceleran stops and the tornado rises and disappears. Aria whistles, and when the Kineceleran turns to her, she wraps a lasso made of energy around her, but she circles Aria and wraps the lasso around her, leaving her dizzy and restrained. Big Chill, seeing his cousin in trouble, breaks a fire hydrant and freezes the water to make a slide so that she can get down safely. He takes in a deep breath and flies down, detranforms, and helps his cousin up. Meanwhile, Aria breaks her restraints and goes over to them. "So, whips aren't the way to go." She jokes. "W-where's Kevin?" Gwen asks, shivering. "Gone." Ben tells her.


The trio were now at Ben's house, in his room with Ben pacing back and forth, Gwen sitting with her legs crossed and Aria lying with her eyes closed. "And what really bugs me one of them is an XLR8. I mean, I used to turn into that species. None of it makes any sense." Ben says. "Gwen, Ari, feel free to jump in anytime." Ben tells them. "Shh. I'm concentrating." Gwen hushes him. "On what?" Ben asks. "I'm at one with the cosmic mana feeling the energy of the universe flowing around and through me." Gwen explains, her eyes glowing with mana. "And you have me to thank for that. Funny how I can teach you cosmic stuff but not use it myself." Aria tells the girl. "Groovy. And you're doing this, why?" Ben asks. "So that I can locate Kevin. Which I have." She says with a smile. "Now, all we have to do is rescue him." She gets off the bed and walks to the door. "Oh, is that all?" Ben asks and frowns. Aria rolls off his bed and walks past him, giving him a pat on the shoulder.


Ben, Gwen, and Aria sat at the back of a bus, which was stuck in traffic. "What kind of heroes take the bus?" Gwen asks. "Neither one of us can drive." Ben points out. "I could teleport us there..." Aria trails off. "I'm guessing you can't." Gwen tells her. "It's not that I can't, it's the amount of energy it'll take. Like I said before I can't use the same power all the time which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever since elemental manipulation is part of energy manipulation, and also since I stopped using my powers for 5 years I'm kind of rusty." Aria tells them. "In what way?" Ben asks. "First, I lost all my alien features. But I'm starting to get them back every time I use my energy form. Second, I have limitations. But I can try teleporting us there." Aria offers. "We're on a bus." Ben reminds her. "Oh, right." Aria nods, realizing it'd be suspicious if they just disappeared.

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