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The gang is in Kevin's car, driving through the desert. "Are we there yet?" Ben asks, leaning forward. "Does it look like it?" Kevin asks, and they both turn to look at Gwen, who is fast asleep. "I'm just saying we should hurry. Grandpa Max wants us to check out those things." Ben reminds him. "Keep quiet. I can't meditate when you're being noisy." Aria cuts in. "I am not noisy." Ben says, offended. "Plus, you've been meditating a lot lately. What's that about?" Ben asks. "Energy meditation. It's something the Enerithians do. I didn't know this and started doing it randomly when I was younger, and my mom explained why I did it." Aria explains. "Why?" Kevin inquires. "To create balance and harmony. It also helps strengthen my energy control." Aria mumbles and sighs when there's a beeping sound. "Kevin?" Gwen questions, sitting up. 

"Speed track coming up. Highway patrolman with a radar gun." Kevin shares. "We're on duty. Can you do something?" Ben asks. "Can I do something?" Kevin repeats and presses a button on the dashboard, turning the car invisible. They drive by the patrol officer and become visible once more. They make it to the railway and see a bunch of creatures roaming around the place and get out. "Cloaking field gives me a headache." Gwen says, rubbing her head. "Speeding tickets gives me a headache." Kevin says, looking at the creatures through the binoculars before handing it to Ben. "Well, that's unnerving." Ben comments. "So? What's the big deal if they eat a few rocks?" Kevin asks. "Looked in a mirror lately?" Ben asks. 

Kevin grabbed an ID mask from his car and put it on, looking like his normal self. "Pretty cool. ID mask?" Ben asks, knocking on Kevin's face. "Well, you look human, anyway." He comments. "Maybe now's not the time for that." Kevin takes off his mask. "But you still wanna stay away from those things." Gwen tells him. "Yeah, they'll have you for lunch." Ben hands Kevin the binoculars and runs to the creatures. "And him for dessert." Aria comments. "Hero time!" Ben activates his watch. "Humungousaur!" He shouts, smacking the watch, but he doesn't transform. "Humungousaur!" He smacks the watch again but doesn't transform. "Humungousaur! HUmungousaur Humungousaur!" Ben shouts, hitting the watch over and over when he sees the creatures running at him.

Aria sighs and runs over to him, and protects him with an energy field. The creatures ran up the hill to where Kevin and Gwen were. Kevin's metal hand turned into a hammer, and his stone hand turned into a rock, and he charged at the creatures. He knocks them out of his way and looks around. "Ben! Ari! Where are you?" He calls out. "Ben!" A creature runs up to him and bites his hand, so he hits its snout with the hammer. More look at him and begin chasing him. "You gotta be kidding me!" Kevin groans and runs away. Gwen uses platforms to get to Kevin and protects him with a mana dome, and the creatures run around the dome to get away. Aria releases the field, and Ben transforms.

 "Brainstorm? Bewildering." Brainstorm hovers over the ground and uses his electricity to lift the train and the rails and using it to block the creatures' path and keep them in the area. Gwen's dome breaks and Aria grabs her and Kevin, placing them outside the circle. "Those cow things bit me!" Kevin tells Brainstorm, who lands in front of them. "Precisely, why I chose to surround them with the metal railings. I observed that they only eat stone." Brainstorm replies. "Lucky me." Kevin sarcastically says, looking at his hand. The teens drive to the whole on the other side of the valley and listen to Grandpa Max, who explains stuff to them. "Those are Pyroxovores. Haven't seen one in years." Grandpa Max tells them. "How come we've never heard of them?" Kevin asks. 

"Kid, there's lots of species here on Earth you won't find in any book. That's where fairytales come from. Unicorns, trolls, pixies. They're all real." Grandpa Max tells him. "Even Bigfoot?" Kevin asks. "Heh, don't be ridiculous. That's a guy in a suit." Grandpa Max replies. "Do you know what drove them to the surface?" Gwen asks. "No. Something scared them or made it too uncomfortable to stay underground." Grandpa Max shares. "They're walking tanks. What could make them uncomfortable?" Kevin questions. "Let's go find out." Ben suggests. They get back in the car and drive down the hole the Pyroxovores came out of, passing an oil drill on the way. "How far does this go?" Gwen asks. "I don't know, but this is as far as we go. End of the road." Kevin replies. "What now?" Aria asks. 

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